A date

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You woke up and groaned. Mornings suck. You got ready for school and left the house. This time you weren't greeted by bakugo. You didn't see him. This confused you but you thought maybe he was running late. So you waited. After a while you left so you weren't late. It was creepy. You started feeling like you were being watched again. And nobody was there. You walked a little faster just in case and not too long after you were at school. You saw Alana and Mina and Todoroki. Alana looked kind of worried but when she saw me she got happy and sighed in relief. "Oh my god Y/N you worried me" "why?" "You took longer then normal.. where's Bakugo?" "No idea, he didn't meet up with me" "Heyyyyyyyyy" you turned to look who said that and it was none other than Denki Kaminari "oh hi!" Alana smirked but grabbed Todoroki and Mina's arm and ran in the school "I'll meet you in class!!!" Alana said. You sighed quietly, why is Alana like this. "How did you sleep" Denki asked "well, you?" "I slept great, thanks!" "Mhm" "um... so I have a question" you wondered what it was "what is it?" "I know we just met but I kind of... like you and I was wondering if you would like to go on a date"
(With Alana)
"Why did you pull us away" Todoroki wondered "because they need to be alone and talk. "Oooo are you setting them up!!!" Mina asked excitedly "yup" "um... Alana can I talk to you" "sure"
(In a random classroom"
"What do you need to talk to me about?" Alana asked curiously "I think Bakugo likes Y/N" "I think so too.... But I get creepy vibes from him. Besides, Denki is a great guy! He's perfect for Y/N!" "Whatever you say"
(Back to you)
He... likes me??? Well, I mean he's a great guy so one date can't hurt. He is quite cute too. So why not accept? "I would love to go on a date with you" Denki's face lit up "really!? You mean it?? No girl has ever accepted. I'm so happy! How about tomorrow?" "Why not" you smiled. Denki wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you two walked to class together. You didn't realize bakugo was watching not too far away. And his looks can kill.
Authors note:
Heyyy! You can give me any recommendations!!

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