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You woke up handcuffed to a bed. Bakugos bed again. You didn't know what happened. When did you fall asleep? You looked around the room adjusting your eyes to the light. You smelled something terrible then when you looked where the smell came from you started crying. It was Alana. He didn't get her. You heard footsteps running towards the door "what's wrong sweetheart?" He said with a caring tone. You hated him. You ignored him and continued crying "Is it Alana?" You had enough. How dare he act like he's a nice person. Obviously it was because of Alana. "OF COURSE IT WAS BECAUSE OF ALANA, YOU KILLED MY BEST FRIEND FOR NO REASON. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. I HATE YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!" You almost lost your voice from that. "I have a reason. Alana came to take you from me. She knew she couldn't but since she knows the address she could tell pro hero's. I had to kill her so she didn't separate us!" You we're getting angry. "Don't you realize, I hate you. I'd rather be anywhere away from you. I wish she got pro hero's to save us. I hope you die. I wish you did. You deserve it more than they did." He got angry "you have no place talking to me like that. I could kill you easily. I could starve you for a little. Torture you for a bit just so you don't die but you will have to learn that the only way to live is by loving me." At this point you didn't even care. You ignored him until "the first way I'll be torturing you is by making you watch me cut off some skin from Alana's dead body. What the hell!!!???? "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU THAT IS DISGUSTING. I SWEAR DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" He smirked "then you'll have to love me. You hated this idea so much. But I don't want him touching Alana. Even if she's dead. But he still wanted to punish you for misbehaving. But he swore he'd leave Alana alone.
You were done getting your punishment. He basically beat you. Not too much but still. He hit you a few times. You got a few bruises but they didn't hurt too much since he didn't want to hurt his "true love" too badly. Ugh. I hope he rots in- suddenly the door opened "I made breakfast. But I'm feeding you" oh no. This was a terrible idea. He sat on your bed and got a spoonful of cereal and put it up. He waited for you to open your mouth. When you didn't he told you To. "Open your mouth" "no." He laughed a little. "That wasn't a question. It was a demand. Open it or I'll make you" make me? Sure. He closed your nose. Finally, you'll be free! But then he let go. What!? You opened your mouth because of shock and he shoved the food in your mouth and you swallowed out of instinct. Then you basically just let him feed you after that.
After force feeding you lunch and dinner he brought you a surprise. You didn't know what it was. But when he brought it to you your eyes lit up, you smiled so bright. Bakugo loved that face. He brought you your strawberry boba and you drank it. When you finished you went to bed. Bakugo got in as always. But this time, he cuddled you. And you let it happen because you didn't want to know what would happen if you didn't. He wrapped his arm around your waist and put his head in your neck. It was quite comfy. But you couldn't sleep. You felt Bakugo jump. He was having a nightmare. He was talking. "No, NO! YOU CANT TAKE HER FROM ME! I LOVE HER. SHES MINE. GO AWAY. ILL DO WHATEVER I CAN TO MAKE SURE SHE DOESNT GET TAKEN FROM ME" you realized he really did love you. But you can't forgive him for killing your best friend. For some reason you had the urge to calm him down. One of your arms stroked his hair. His face went soft and he calmed down. Then you finally fell asleep.
Bakugo woke you up with worry on his face  "oh thank God. You've been asleep morning!" You were confused "well I didn't sleep well last night" he made a face that told you he understood And grabbed you lunch. He fed you again and you asked him a question. "Why have you been leaving Alana's body in the room?" He looked at the body then you. "I just haven't moved it yet" it??? "Well when you do, where will you move her?" "I'll move it to the basement with the other rat in the basement" it??? Rat??? Oh. My. God. "They aren't rats." You said trying to stay as calm as possible "anybody who tries separating us is a rat. I'm not putting them anywhere special cause they don't deserve it." That was it. You were going to-" you blacked out.

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