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You woke up but your head was hurting. The first thing you saw was Bakugo. He was sleeping next to you. Wait what?? Where am I? You looked around and it was obviously a bedroom. You looked out a window and saw that this was a secluded area. You've never seen this place before. Where were you! You looked back at Bakugo and decided to try and climb out the window. Suddenly you felt somebody grab your arm. "Now where do you think you're going" you heard him say. You knew it was Bakugo. "Where are we.." you saw Bakugo grin. "Our new home"

Our new home!!?? "What?? I have a home. I don't need this one? I want to see my friends!" He laughed. "Ohh sweetie, you're not seeing your friends again. I have to keep you safe. From anybody who'd take you away from me. You're mine. And only mine." He's crazy. You had to get out. You got his arm off you and ran downstairs to escape through the door. You somehow escaped and started running but he caught up to you and said "you can't run from me. Love will keep us together. Forever." He's insane! "Love!?" What was he talking about? "I love you Y/N. I've always loved you. You belong to me." What... "I don't belong to anyone. I liked you but.. you're scaring me!" He changes his expression realizing that he was scaring you "sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Now come home with me" "why would I do that!?" "Guess I'll make you" huh? Suddenly you blacked out again.

You woke up. But this time your arms were handcuffed to the bed. You struggled trying to get out. It was useless. You heard footsteps coming to the door. The door opened and you saw bakugo. You started getting scared. He saw. That you were scared and said "why are you scared" is he serious. You started crying "yo-you kidnapped me!! Not only that but you took me from my friends! You killed Denki!" Bakugo clenched his teeth "do you.. like Denki" sigh. Not again "not anymore!" He sighed obviously happy otherwise who'd know what he'd do. You were hungry but you'd never admit it. You weren't going to eat food from a kidnapper. But your stomach had other plans. It made a loud noise and Bakugo laughed a little "I'll bring you food" you were happy but also not. You waited for him to come and when he did he waited for you to eat but you were skeptical. What if he poisoned it? "Don't worry" he suddenly said "I didn't poison it. I love you too much to kill you" he smiled. It was weirdly comforting. You were gonna eat until t you realized you couldn't move. You were handcuffed to the bed. You looked at Bakugo and he knew what you were thinking "you're not going to run away though right? If I take the cuffs off, I won't be able to put them back on. But even if you did run away..." his face suddenly grew dark ".. you wouldn't get far. You're mine and I won't let you leave." His face turned back to normal and took the cuffs off. You started eating and he was just watching you thinking you looked adorable when toy ate. You finished and he asked if you wanted to look around. You said yes and he showed you around. After a while I felt really gross so I asked to take a shower. He said yes and I got ready. When I was in the shower I heard breathing coming from the walls.

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