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This part is going to be in Alana's POV

I woke up this morning and checked my phone to see if Y/N answered me. You were worried. Your bff never and I mean never took that long to answer. She normally doesn't go to bed until she says goodnight. She never said goodnight. I'm going to her house to check on her.

——Time Skip——
I got to her house and knocked on the door. No reply. You waited for a little just in case. But after 10 minutes you busted the door open. Your replace it later if you had to. You knew Todoroki would want to come but you didn't want to put him in danger and you had to do this alone. You walked around and nobody was home. What the heck! Where is she. Wait... bakugo is her neighbor right? So you went over there and when you knocked, there was no answer. You waited for the same amount of time you waited for Y/N to answer. You busted the door open and looked around. Looked normal but Bakugo obviously hasn't been here in a while. You walked around the house for clues. You saw Y/N's phone on a counter. You got angry but calmed yourself. You were going to find her. You found Bakugos room. You knew it was his room because right when you walked in you were disgusted. There were pictures of Y/N all over the walls. Her sleeping. Her watching tv. I knew he was weird. You looked everywhere to see if there were any clues. You found a piece of paper and read it. It was named BAKUGOS PLAN. Hah. It has an address on it. I assume that's where they are. I might need help. Should I ask Todoroki? No. I'm doing it alone. I'll talk to him but I'll make sure he doesn't come. I'm not putting him in danger. I'll go tomorrow. I need to get ready today
I woke up and immediately got ready. I'm going to see Y/N. I don't care if I die. I need to see her. You did the morning routine and got your stuff you texted Todoroki so if you died, at least he'd know.
Me: hey... Todoroki?
Todo<3: yeah?
Me: I'm going after Y/N. I'm not letting you come with I just want to tell you since I might die. Y/N is missing and Bakugo isn't at his house either. Bakugo had pictures of Y/N all over his room and had a plan to kidnap her. I need to see her. I might die because he's obviously obsessed. I just wanted to tell you
Todo<3: no. Im coming
Me: no your not. Im not putting you in danger
Todo<3: you think I'd like you be in danger? I'm coming. If you die I'll die with you.
Me: you don't know the address so you can't come.
Todo<3: I'm at your house. So I'm coming.
Me: huh?
You hear a knock on the door and go answer it. It's Todoroki. "Shoto... why are you here?" "I told you I'm coming." You sighed knowing you weren't going to be able to make him stay.

You both arrived at the house. You told Todoroki to stay outside. He didn't like the idea but he only said yes because you said the reason why is because she just wanted to see her friend. He can come if she's in danger.
I walked up to the door and took a deep breath. I knocked on the door and at first no answer. I heard bickering ok the inside of the house like two kids fighting over who was going to open the door. I'm assuming Y/N is wanting to answer but Bakugo isn't letting her. After a while the door opened. Revealing Bakugo. You could tell he was surprised. "Can I help you" he's trying to act dumb "I know Y/N is here. Can I please talk to her. I miss her. At least for a little then I'll leave and I can I guess leave her alone for the rest of my life. Although I'd be said but you don't care. Anyways, can I please see her? Just for a little" Bakugo didn't like the idea but. This is the time he can kill her. But if he lets you in, Y/N will see. She'd never forgive me. I'll just make her forgive me. He grinned a little. "Fine. But only for a little" you smiled brightly "really!? Yay!" Todoroki was looking from afar but he could tell Bakugos change in expression. He knew he was up to something.
You walked in and looked for Y/N. Bakugo said she was downstairs in the basement seemed shady and you knew she wasn't. Y/N would be too scared to go in the basement. You looked at Bakugo and laughed. He looked at you confused "where is she actually" Bakugo just realized she knew Y/N. Ugh this is going to be a pain. I'm actually going to have to take her to Y/N. "She's upstairs. In my room" she ran upstairs and I easily caught up with her.
You saw Y/N and got really happy. You saw her face get happy then scared. "Alana..." she said "yeah?" "You have to leave. Now. I don't want Bakugo hitting you" I softly giggled "I know. I just needed to see you. I don't care if I die. There's no point if I wouldn't be able to see you again. I told him I'd leave forever if I got to see tot but I know he doesn't trust me." "Alana. Please... go" you smiled "no. I have to stay. Can you make sure I don't scream. And if Todoroki comes in the room while Bakugos not here tell him I'm staying for a while and I want him to leave. Please. I don't want him to come in and die." Y/N sighed "I can't do that.. I have to tell him the truth. Also Bakugo won't make it quiet" "oh... I don't want Shoto to die." Suddenly bakugo can in the room. "Times up. Leave now" you looked at the ground. You looked up and said bye to Y/N. She said bye with small tears in her eyes. Suddenly there was a pain in your stomach. You couldn't scream. You fell on the floor and instinctively grabbed your stomach. There was a hole. What happened! "ALANA!" you heard Y/N yell. Oh no. Todoroki is definitely going to hear that. He did. You heard somebody running in the room and grab you. You instantly knew it was him. You used every bit of you to speak "Sh.. oto.. le..ave. I'll.. b..e...fine go" todoroki talked but you could hear he was in pain. He was sad seeing you like this. He continued to hold you and Bakugo just stood there. Smiling watching Todoroki in pain (not physical) you were dying but you didn't care about that. You cared about Todorokis safety. And Y/N was crying. Guess this is it. You closer your eyes and that was it.
Authors note:
I thought for a while thinking about if I should kill my self off or not. But since I wasn't an important character I decided why not. So yeah. I can't believe I made such a long chapter!

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