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Taehyung's POV

This woman is really something ! She's really a beast !! How can someone bite their own boss !? Is she really that dumb !!??

I keep sitting on the couch holding my chest in pain , waiting for her to bring the first aid box.

While waiting , my mind starts escaping in a completely out of the world scenario. Those images of her being so close to me start coming in my mind one by one and I feel my cheeks heating up and turning red as a tomato.
Gosh ! This is embarrassing !! *Shakes his head aggressively to stop himself from thinking about it*

That woman definitely has some hidden charms. Her scent , her thin waist , her little body.....especially her eyes...... everything about her is so attractive. I can't control myself around her.

I was just trying to scare her but she reacted so aggressively. Did she find out about my thoughts about her !? I definitely felt my heart racing and my body heating up when I was holding her in my arms.

But why would she be pushing me away !? Instead, that scammer would have been happy thinking of how she got a chance to seduce me and that it might finally open new opportunities for her to use me for power and money..... just like she did to my brothers. *Lips purse tightly to form a thin line*

She is a great actress but I won't let her have the upper hand anytime soon. Even if she is charming and attractive.... she has a dark side that I should not ignore. I can't lose my mind and fall for her charms.

I was trying not to be so harsh with her but she left no choice for me.

My dear Y/n , just wait and see how I make you work extra hard with no rest, no food , not even water for the next 5 days. You won't even be able to take a one second break from work. Even if you fall unconscious , this time no one , not even Jungkook would be able to help you out. *Evil smirk*

I take the white board and change the score to minus 700 points.

As I was writing on the whiteboard , I hear her footsteps come closer.

I see her stand near one end of the couch holding the first aid box. Why does she look worried !? What an actor !! *Scoffs internally*

I gesture her to sit beside me and pass her the whiteboard.

A moment later I hear her yell.... again !

Y/n : Minus 700 points !!!??? Bu-but why !!??

She is asking me about it !? Seriously !? Is she that clueless !?

Taehyung : Really !!?? After what you did to me , you are asking WHY !!?? I am speechless ! *Laughs in disbelief* I don't even know anything anymore ! All I am hoping now is for not catching a rabies !

Y/n : R-rabies !? Do I look like an animal to you !?

Taehyung : *Laughs mockingly* Ofcourse not !! Why would you be an animal !? You are a BEAST !!

Y/n : What !? *Shocked*

The way she talks back ! I just want to slap her in the face ! Why am I even tolerating this nonsense !? When did I start giving my employees so much leeway so as to even talk back to me !? And that too not once or twice but so many times !!

Taehyung : What what !? *Angered*

Y/n : But , it wasn't intentional. Please believe me.

Does she really think I would believe her !? *Chuckles internally*

Taehyung : Intentional or not , it's for me to decide. Anyways , I have already decided your punishment.

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