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Taehyung's POV

Seokjin : Dohyun is missing. He is not at school....... He's gone missing.

Taehyung : *Shocked* What ?!

Yoongi : He went to school, took the test in the morning and after the lunch break he was no where to be found..

Taehyung : What ?!! Are you guys pranking me ?! Is this a joke ?!!

Jimin : It's not a joke Taehyung. The school authority called me informing about his uninformed absence.

Taehyung : *Disbelieving* Why do you have to prank me with these cheap tricks ?! I am not dumb, why did they call you when I am his father ?! They never called me !

Jimin : They called you first, they also called your office. They weren't able to contact you and your secretary didn't pick up. So they found my number in the list of alternate numbers and called me.

Taehyung : I-I don't believe you...... You all are joking right ?! Was this Dohyun's idea ?! *Looks around trying to search Dohyun* Dohyun-ah ! Dohyun ! My baby ! Don't play these kinds of jokes on your father ! You know I am very sensitive ! Dohyun-ah ! Come out of hiding my son !! *Anxious* *Eyes tearing up in anxiety*

Namjoon : *Gestures the maid to bring some water for Taehyung* Taehyung calm down. It's not a joke. We have been trying to search for his whereabouts since last 2-3 hours.

Taehyung : So..... y-you guys are saying...... my child..... m-my baby...... he...... he is nowhere to be found ?! *Tears start trickling down his face*

Hoseok : Taehyung don't worry we have sent a lot of people for investigation. Hopefully there will be some news soon. *Offers water to him but he refuses*

Taehyung : What the hell are you saying hyung ??!! You guys are sitting here waiting for news ??!! Don't you understand my child is missing !!??

Yoongi : We went out and brought all the camera recordings of the school. But I don't know how and why him running out of school or someone taking him out...... nothing was captured in any of it.

Taehyung : So, you mean there are chances that my baby was kidnapped ??!! I am going to his school. *Stands up to start walking out of the room*

Jimin : Taehyung first listen to us. We have something to tell you. And as for school, we have already investigated everything in the morning. We found nothing. As for the children, we are waiting for the call of the school authority...... they have asked for the student's parent's consent to talk to them. But we all have something to confess to you first.

Taehyung : *Stops in his tracks and turns to look back at them* What ? What do you want to confess ?

Yoongi : We will tell you everything. You first sit down and calm down. *Gestures all the maids and butlers to get out of the room to give them privacy*.

Taehyung : *Goes back to sit on the couch and drinks some water* Now can you all please stop dancing around the topic and speak already ??!! *Frustrated*

Jimin : Yes..... Now listen carefully and don't jump to conclusions immediately........ try to understand first. So, Rosie..... that care taker of Dohyun. She was sent here by someone to harm you and Dohyun. That day when I brought Dohyun to your company to meet you, it wasn't actually me who brought him. He ran away from home and took the bus alone to reach the company to meet you. He heard Rosie talk to someone on phone, she was saying something about poisoning Dohyun's food so as to kill him slowly and punish you. Apparently, someone was trying to take revenge on you by hurting Dohyun. But our son is really smart, the moment he heard about it, he ran away from home to meet you and tell you everything about it. On the way to your office he met Y/n on the bus. She was going to the company for job interview. She found Dohyun alone in the bus so she took care of him and Dohyun asked her to help him reach the company...... so she kept him by her side in order to help him and keep him safe. But Rosie was way too fast..... She immediately reached the company before Dohyun reached there and was waiting for him on the front door so as to take him back home. If not for Y/n, she would have taken him back home even before he could meet me or you. Though she didn't realize that Dohyun found out the truth about her but if she really would have taken him back home, he would have missed his chance to tell everything to any of us. My prince was so scared that day..... it was the first time I saw him weeping like that. Thankfully even after Rosie constantly tried to take Dohyun away, Y/n didn't trust her and didn't leave Dohyun alone with her..... in that process she even missed her interview. Finally just when Rosie was trying to forcefully take him away from Y/n, I reached your company and saw all of it. That is when I sent Rosie back home and Dohyun told me what he heard during her phone conversation. We immediately started investigating after that incident. I sent Hobi hyung and Yoongi hyung to stay here and investigate. We all shifted here and placed micro-recorders and cameras all over the place. We found that she has been talking to someone with a burner phone and that too in some kind of code language. We also made sure that any of the food that she made..... even touched by her, it was disposed off immediately so we have been trying to fool her since last 10-12 days. Also a few days ago, Yeontan was barking looking on the ground in the backyard, we dug the ground and found that there were almost 40-50 packets of drugs hidden in there. We continued our investigations..... we found some clues..... first the poison is a rare one, it's a slow poison that slowly decays the body and with a sudden heart attack, the consumer dies. Next we found that those drugs were hidden in there much before Rosie joined her job.

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