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Y/n's POV

We finally start our day after a whole chaotic night. Dohyun came back from his grandfather's home just now and my mom and aunt had breakfast with me today. They went back home a few minutes ago.

Dohyun has been learning Japanese from me. I must say he really is a prodigy. I have never seen someone as young as him learning such a difficult language so quickly.

As I was lying on the bed, while Dohyun sat on a chair beside me, reading the basic japanese words.... we hear the door click open.... both of our heads turn in that direction simultaneously.

Dohyun : Daddy I missed you *Runs and hugs him tightly*

I smile at my baby's reaction. It feels so warm to see both of them interacting. I never knew I would be so happy after starting a family. It all feels like a dream. It makes me happy yet I am scared to wake up from this dream back to the gloomy reality.

It hurts to think that it's all fake. I might never be considered a part of this family once Dohyun regains his memories. *Sighs internally* I am scared of this attachment towards him.

For some reason, I feel things are just too smooth to keep going just like that. I might sound pessimistic but I really don't know from where this uneasiness is coming from. I am scared something worse is going to happen in the future.... I am scared this is just the calm before the storm. I don't want to think like this yet I am unable to avoid these thoughts for some reason.

I want to ask him about last night. I am still so confused but I can't really do this in front of Dohyun.

As Taehyung comes forward after lifting Dohyun in his arms, he passes a small smile to me and starts conversing....

Taehyung: *Looks at Dohyun first and then takes another glance at Y/n* So what are you guys doing ?

Dohyun : Mommy is teaching me Japanese. *Teethy smile*

Taehyung : Wow ! My baby is soon going to turn multilingual ! *Boxy smile* Kisses his forehead and bread cheeks*

I see Dohyun giggling cutely at his pecks. The sound of his giggles feel so warm.... like a warm blanket..... *Smiles unconsciously*

Taehyung : Umm so, I wanted to say something...... We...... we need to go to Canada. We are going on a month-long vacation together. *Smiles*

Y/n : *Confused* *Surprised* Huh !? What !? Suddenly !?

Dohyun : *Excited* Vacation !!?? Really !!??

Taehyung smiles at him and nods in respose. He turns his head towards me and speaks.....

Taehyung : I know it's sudden but let's just have fun together.

Though he tried to express as much excitement as possible, I could see through him.... I don't feel like it's just a vacation "vacation". He seems worried. Vacations are for relaxing but the tension lines over his forehead speak a completely different story.

Let's see until when he can hide things from me.

Dohyun : Daddy, mommy I am so happy to go on a vacation together !!! *Smiles cutely*

Aww my baby.... Can I just eat him !!?? How can a kid be so cute ?! Like seriously !!

An unconscious smile spreads over Taehyung's lips looking at his adorable little lamb.... he then kisses his forehead and nose multiple times. I too smile unconsciously at the scene unfolding in front of my eyes. This warmth that I feel looking at their interactions is too addictive.

THE CURSE : Obsession Or Love ? ||KTH|| (Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now