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Y/n's POV

In the middle of the night, I start feeling cold..... moving my hand by my side, I find it empty.
Oh! so the warmth left from my side, I think to myself.

But wait ! I open my eyes in confusion and turn to look at my side only to find the bed empty.

I look towards the window.... It's dark. Completely dark. It's not even dawn..... where did he go ?

I rub my eyes to clear my vision and look around. He is really gone. But to where ?! That too in the middle of the night ?? I turn around to check on Dohyun. Gosh it's still painful ! I turn slowly, rubbing my back with my palm to ease the pain. Dohyun is sleeping, probably dreaming of something beautiful coz he keeps smiling in his sleep. *Smiles*

I try to look around but there's no trace of him anywhere.

While looking around, my eyes fall on the note placed on the corner table. I slowly drag myself while lying down and lift and extend my hand to reach the paper.

After getting a hold of it, I finally open it and start reading.

"There's an emergency so I have to leave in the middle of the night. Will be back by the morning. If you need anything, just call me or any of the hyungs or Jungkook. We all are together. Sleep well.

Emergency !? What kind of emergency !? I turn my head to take a look at the wall clock. It's 2 am.

I hope he is fine..... I hope all of them are fine. I don't know where they all went together. I just hope everything is fine.

After reading the note, I place it back on the table and shut my eyes trying to get back to sleep but to no avail.

I keep on overthinking things. This situation..... it doesn't sit well with me. What kind of emergency could it have been for all of them to gather together in the middle of the night ? And to where !? If they were gathering in the house, he wouldn't have left the note. He didn't even write where they all went together.

With my eyes still closed, I start to reverse count from 1000 to 0. Maybe this would help me take my mind off of the negative thoughts and get back to sleep. I will ask him once they are back in the morning.

With this, I start counting....

1000..... 999..... 998..... 997............
121..... 120..... 11...9.... 1....1..8..... 1....1....7....

My eyes shot open and before I could fall into a deeper slumber, I am wide awake as I hear hurried footsteps coming towards our room.

Is he back ?! Why is he running !? Is everything okay ??!! Confused, I turn my head to look towards the door.

What if it's not him but a thief or a trespasser !!??

No ! This can't be !! This house has so much security that no one can infiltrate so easily. Especially after Dohyun's case..... I heard that Taehyung has increased the security 5 folds than earlier.

But then who is running !!?? And if it's him, why is he running !!?? I am not getting a good feeling about it.....

Before I could wander off in my thoughts even more, I hear the door to our room open with a creak. My head turns in the direction of the door..... I try to stay calm yet mentally prepare myself for any mishaps to come.

What I see next is beyond shocking....

I see Taehyung's silhouette as he enters the room and closes the door instantly..... His hand reaches the switch board as if on auto mode and he turns on the lights.

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