Arctic and Foeslayer talk (💔🗯)

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Arctic placed down the letter and sighed to himself. "Why did this have to happen?" he thought to himself as he walked out of his room. He had to tell Foeslayer the news. Maybe if he told her this they could... Run away. Take Whiteout and the other one to some place safer than this kingdom. He picked it up, feeling the coldness from his scales had worn on the paper.

"Foeslayer?" he stepped into the kitchen and saw Foeslayer there admiring Whiteout's paintings. He always felt a sense of pride whenever he saw Whiteout paint and create, happy to see that the creativity of the IceWings had come to her.

"Yes?" Foeslayer asked. "Is it about how you've been huddled in your room for a while?" she laughed.

"Well, yes it is." Arctic explained. Whiteout seemed to get a bit uncomfortable and walked up and out on her own for some reason, though Arctic shrugged it off to her being her.

"What is it?" Foeslayer stood up and walked over the kitchen and began to prepare dinner. It was a hawk, something that Arctic enjoyed quite a bit.

"Another letter from Diamond." Arctic grumbled.

Foeslayer paused for a moment to sigh. "If it's about giving up Whiteout and Darkstalker, no. I love my children and you do too." she insisted.

"But she won't stop. This whole war going around us right now is because of me--"

"It's not because of you. It's because of Vigilance and Diamond wanting an excuse to fight." Foeslayer turned around to face Arctic.

"How do you know that? Why now are they deciding to fight? Don't you get it? It's my fault this whole thing started. It's our fault." Arctic snarled.

"It's not our fault. I just wanted to live a nice happy life with the love of my life, but apparently now because of that stupid magic I can't even touch him. Ugh! It ruins everything!" Foeslayer huffed.

"If you hate it so much, why don't you let Diamond take away Darkstalker or Whiteout?" Arctic argued. "Once one of them are gone we could--"

Foeslayer looked at Arctic in disbelief. "Don't go on about how you actually think this is a good idea. That is a psychotic idea, Arctic." Foeslayer hissed coldly.

"It's for the best. Nobody dies, we get to keep one of our kids--" Arctic began before being cut off again.

"These are our CHILDREN, Arctic. I will not let you go and take them away for some selfish reason. Dragons could die and I won't care. I just want this family to be normal."

"We were never normal! Darkstalker is clearly a problem child and Whiteout can't speak normally for the life of her!"

"Don't you dare talk about my children like that!" Foeslayer snarled.

"They carry the gene, that's what this whole war is about! If you just give up one of them to be married off we could just go back to normal! I could enchant the one we choose to be copied and we could keep the copy--" Arctic's rant was interrupted by Foeslayer.

"Implying I actually go through with your horrific plan?" Foeslayer roared. "I will never love you for you magic, I love you for you. I love-- I loved you for you!"

"WILL YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME?!" he roared. "I want to get away from this kingdom! This snake hole has done nothing but bring pain to me and you!"

"And you think that will solve our problems?" Foeslayer cried, tears rolling down her face. "Do you think giving up one of our own, replacing them, and then fly away to somewhere new will fix everything?"

Arctic paused to think about it, stopping to catch his breath. He looked at Foeslayer, tears in her eyes. His true love... "Yes." he answered.

Foeslayer stared back at Arctic. She then quickly reached for her ear and took off her earring. "Take it. I don't want it." she hissed as she threw it to the floor. The diamond earring shone in Arctic's eyes as Foeslayer began to walk away.

"Where are you going? Get back here!" Arctic yelled.

"I'm done. I can't live like this. I can't live with you..." Foeslayer sighed. "I'll be back for Whiteout and Darkstalker in a bit. Goodbye." she walked out of the house, leaving Arctic all alone. The only thing accompanying Arctic's deep breaths was the sound of Whiteout crying to herself in the other room.

"My love..." Arctic stared off at the door longingly.

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