Opal's Punishment (💔)

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Opal sat alone in her chamber, scratching at the walls. She had only been here for a week, rotting in this cell deep below the palace. It was colder than any other part of the kingdom, chilling her to her very bones.

The uncomfortable and distinctly abnormal feeling of animus magic wafted around the halls, signaling that this prison was not created without its help. It was something she was familiar with; both having been around it all of her life and being an animus herself. She was somewhat used to the overbearing presence and the instinctive gut reaction that told her that it was not right, that whatever she was near was not supposed to exist.

It was only made worse by the intensity of her environment. The isolated, frozen halls of the IceWing Dungeon.

Opal was tossed in here just a couple hours after making her gift. It was a ring, nothing too special. Queen Baltic had asked- well, more accurately poorly tried to manipulate her into wasting her once-per-lifetime enchantment on a ring that wouldn't do much. It would allow her to spy on anybody. For somebody as eccentric as her, she was incredibly creatively bankrupt.

So, she made some modifications to that vague request. Baltic wasn't a very good queen, not by a long shot. She was quick to anger, impulsive, and often relied a lot on her and her fellow generals to make important choices. It was easy to sway her in any direction, almost pathetically so. Tell her to cut support to the lower circles to aid some war effort and she'll be having her advisor writing the letter before you could even finish the sentence.

So, her solution? Sure, she'd keep the ring being able to 'spy on anybody', but it was something Opal herself could control a lot more. She allowed herself to pick who to spy on and in what time. Even without knowing about that them, she could send Baltic into a 'vision' where she'd experience everything that dragon went through.

And when she said everything, she quite literally means it. Emotions, thoughts, pain... The wearer's consciousness would take on that of this other dragon for as long as she the animus wanted.

It didn't stop at that either. She was able to do it whenever she pleased, though it was harder to do when they were awake. They would be able to resist if they thought hard enough, but when they were asleep it was easier than ever to send them into a vision.

Did she also mention that it's impossible to take off unless Opal deems them 'worthy' to be free?

Naturally, Queen Baltic flipped out. She'd put on the ring but had not realized all of the extra add-ons she had placed onto it. Tossed her into this prison like she was nothing.

Though, she knew it wouldn't be long. Baltic was stubborn, but even she wouldn't be able to last too long before shifting and changing. Opal had been giving her rather pleasant visions, trying to tell her how to be a better queen. She was merciful as of now, but if things were to get worse, so be it. Anything to get the message in, the message Opal wanted every queen to understand.

Her train of thought was suddenly cut off by the distant sounds of talonsteps. The IceWing straightened out, curious as to who would be checking on her. It wasn't feeding time, nor would the guards come down to even heckle at her. It wasn't like she could enchant them to lose their voices or anything, these chains that bound her to this cell blocked her from being able to use her magic.

But, she did have one guess.

And sure enough, she saw her.

Baltic turned the corner, her ivory scales sparkled and glittered with every movement. Small patterns and flecks of brown were dotted all over her body, mostly on her talons and tail. Her long, elegant wings rested at her side as she held a torch firmly in her talons. Her hazel eyes glared at the imprisoned dragon.

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