Non-Angst Glorybringer?? (❤️)

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Glory took a deep breath, letting it sink in what she was about to do, then pounced. She landed beside the NightWing. "If you value your life, leave this kingdom."

"Moons above-" He recoiled. Even when startled, he jumped with finesse and grace. Compared to Starflight, this dragonet seemed to have some skills when it came to being stealthy. "Where did you come from?"

"I'm not here to answer questions," she snapped. "You strayed too close to the Ice Kingdom."

"By all means, this is still technically the Sand Kingdom," he rebutted. "Look, that big wall over there? I'm not behind it. Still here. Shouldn't you of all dragons know that?"

Glory's eye twitched, but her menacing expression never faltered. "You're close enough. Besides, when Blaze wins the war, it'll be ours. So, you're stepping on soon-to-be IceWing territory."

"Wow, bit cocky aren't you frost-face?" He grinned confidently. "Or maybe you're dealing with losing the war in a different way than most."

"I'm the cocky one?" she scoffed, pointing the spear right at him. "You have a lot of guts to say that to the one with the spear."

"Oh please, I'm not scared of your frostbreath, much less your little spear here..." He ran his talon along the tip of the spear.

For a moment, panic shot through Glory. It was only now that she just realized she was talking to a NightWing. This dragon could've been reading her mind this entire time. He could've found out she was a RainWing. He may know she was just doing this to scare him off and was playing around. That'd explain his demeanour. It would be idiotic to be this bold.

But, she pressed on. She repressed those thoughts to the best of her ability. She was an IceWing. She should be thinking IceWing thoughts, like how this NightWing was in her tribe's territory.

"What are you doing here? Rather suspicious of you to be spying on Princess Blaze's fortress. Long ways from...wherever you come from, isn't it?"

"Just a little bit of sightseeing, that's all."

"There's nothing here to really look at though."

"Mhh, I'd beg to differ. You're quite the sight yourself." He shot her a look, one that she was unfamiliar with. Never in her life did she see a dragon stare at her in that way. Glory was used to glares and scowls, but also the kind and thoughtful eyes of her fellow Dragonets of Destiny.

This was different. It showed spirit and tenacity, but also respect and genuine meaning. It was playful and bubbly. The more she thought about it, the more confused she was. A feeling rose within her, one that was just as perplexing as this dragon before her.

She shook her head. "Answer the question, or I'm afraid I'll have to bring you to Queen Glacier."

"Afraid? Why would you be afraid? Are you perhaps enjoying our little conversation?"

"N- no?!" she barked at him. "What? Do you want to be locked up in some dungeon until you rot away?"

"Not particularly, no. Doesn't sound all too pleasant. It's already pretty chilly just being here." He dramatically shivered.

"So then tell me why you're here. You give me a quick answer and we can both go on with our lives. What a bargain, mh?"

"Except it's about whether I live or you taking a couple minutes out of your night to drag me to my death. Doesn't sound all too balanced."

"Do you want to die? Yes or no?" she said bluntly.

"Not really, no."

"Then answer the question. Why are you here?"

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