Ice Dragon (💔❤️)

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Snowfall continued deeper into the caverns, ignoring those thoughts that screamed at her to run back or that this was all for nothing. Keeping the blazing torch in her talons, she knew she had to at least try this.

Inside of the Spire felt colder than even the worst of blizzards. The queen had to hold the torch closer to her body to keep herself from freezing solid, or at least that's how she felt.

The cave itself was sleek, smooth. No cracks in the grey walls. The tunnel was nearly a perfect circle, being big enough to probably fit a hundred dragons in.

This is stupid, Snowfall told herself. You'll just be seem as crazy. They all already hate you, you're just WASTING TIME!

Yet, Snowfall pressed onward.

The Great Ice Dragon was her only hope of anything right now. She hated how she was desperate enough to even entertain the idea of a tale for dragonets as real, but it was her last hope for... anything.

She wanted to believe that this being, despite all of the rumors of it being a soul-sucking nightmare, would help her. She remember hearing tales from Glacier about her ancestors who would visit the beast for advice and wisdom.

And right now, with these new dragons and all of this overwhelming pressure, she really needed something to happen.

Snowfall continued down the tunnel, feeling her scales getting colder the deeper into the mountain she traveled. The tunnel felt as thought it went on forever, stretching over all of the Ice Kingdom.

Until, eventually Snowfall saw an end in sight.

In the distance, what looked like the back wall was there. Nothing else, a dead end.

"No, no..." Snowfall muttered to herself as she ran over, in denial about how her journey could all be in vain. She paused just before the wall and just stood there, stating at it.

"I should have know!" Snowfall yelled as she threw down the torch. "There's no Great Ice Dragon, there's no such thing as it! For moons sake Snowfall, you're such an idiot! This is why the entire kingdom hates you!"

Finally having a moment to speak to herself with no dragon around to hear, Snowfall finally let it all out.

"Why did Mother have to pick you of all dragons? Why not Crystal, or even Tundra? Why would she pick you, the least prepared and the one who's still a dragonet?!"

Snowfall kicked the snow on the ground. "You have no idea how to run a kingdom, don't you? You just treat every little thing like it's a threat COMING TO KILL YOU!"

Snowfall stopped for a moment to catch her breath. In her fury she turned herself around, letting her see how far back she would have to travel in order to get back home.

And yet... she didn't want to.

No dragon would miss her if she was gone. They wouldn't know she's down here. She could just sit and rot, it would be better for everyone else. Some new queen could come along and be leagues better than her, a over-emotional dragonet who misses their own dear mother.

Snowfall hung her head and fell to the ground, letting the thoughts swirl around in her head. The storm around her was too much to handle. She couldn't see, she couldn't move, she couldn't even breathe. All she could do was wait until it was finally over...

"Aren't you a curious one..."

Snowfall's ears perked up and she turned around, faced with the back wall suddenly being replaced with a massive eye.

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