Its tomorrow!

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!!Timeskip a year!!
I had been reading when Tommy rushed in and ran around my chair, "It's tomorrow! It's tomorrow!" he shouted referring to Alice's birthday. Her 18th birthday was indeed tomorrow. I was quite excited too, soon she was gonna be Queen.

I chased Tommy around and so did Alice, she had stole some of Wills clothes which were the only clothes that even came close to fitting her. Mine are too big and Tommy's fit her but aren't really her style. They were more comfortable to run around in and just more comfortable in all for her.

Will was inside in his room "playing guitar" but in reality he was lying and at the shops, he tried to lie to all of us about that and not just Alice. But that obviously didn't work on me. It only worked on Tommy and Alice.

We stopped chasing each-other for a bit since we were out of breath.

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