A sight of the kingdom

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Hello everyone
How have you all been?
So here is another update on this story.
After gathering all the information the search for the valley of death begins.


Time was passing and night was coming which meant Y/N had to go out. Daki also had to leave so she didn't mind at all.

Y/N: Finally I had some good quality time.

Y/N went to the upper moon room looking for Douma. After he arrived he only saw kokushibo sitting there everyone else had left.

Y/N: Everyone went out tonight?

Kokushibo: Yes, Douma hasn't though he is in his cult. Akaza went to help lower moon 1 or something and everyone else had places they needed to be at.

Y/N: Alright I had stuff to do with douma so see you later.

Kokushibo: Ok.

Y/N went to Douma's cult and started to look for him.

Y/N: Why the hell is this place so big? Where the hell is he?

Douma: Oh! Y/N!

Y/N: There you are! Where is this place?!

Douma: You mean the valley of death?

Y/N: Yes.

Douma: I don't know!

Y/N: What?

Douma: Like I said I don't know where that place is I myself have never had the directions to there.

Y/N: Damn It! *sigh* the closer we get the further we are repelled what the hell is this!?

Douma: Don't worry just look around. I heard it's deep within a forest but I'm not sure which forest that is.

Y/N: Ok I will be leaving then.

Douma: Have a safe journey.

Y/N left and started to look around in forests. He was losing hope of ever finding the valley of death because of how many forests there are. While he was exploring he felt the presence of Akaza and some demon slayers.

Y/N: What? I didn't think I would run into him. Well whatever let's check it out.

After Y/N came in the clearing out of the forest he saw Akaza fighting a guy who was using the flame breathing.

Y/N: Considering how he looks and his breathing techniques. He must be from the Rengoku family I should save him for now.

Y/N was going to save rengoku. Y/N messed up Akaza's bloodflow making him unstable saving rengoku from a huge attack.

Akaza: The hell?

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