A Great Power

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Hello everyone
How have you all been?
So here is another chapter. This will mostly contain fighting and all. This might not be good because you know how shitty I'm at writing fights.
And my notifications are very delayed which is just so messed up. If you know how to fix this please tell me.
Anyways let's begin.


???: You who are ignorant enough to come to me yourself. What is it that you desire?

Tomioka: You must be Jahad.

Y/N: I have only one wish.

Jahad: What is it?

Y/N smirked and looked up at Jahad. Jahad didn't know what Y/N was thinking yet he had a feeling that Y/N is about to mess something up. Something that will mess up the whole balance.

Tomioka: These guys... sure are strong...

[Somewhere else at the same time]

A small women with purple eyes and a huge man with prayer beads stood upon the land where a squadron was located.

Shinobu: What do you think Gyomei-san?

Gyomei: We might have to go inside. If what Tomioka said was true. We don't have any other way.

Shinobu: Right.

Both of them jumped right inside the part where the ground felt fake and got through it easily landing on solid land. A loud sound spoke from a speaker the moment they entered.


Shinobu: They have quiet the security.

Gyomei: Yeah...

Shinobu and Gyomei were seen by alot of people the moment they entered. And the people were not happy. All of them had swords and they got ready to attack.

Shinobu: Will we have to kill humans?

Gyomei: Remember... they are not humans. We don't have to hold back.

Far away from Shinobu and Gyomei. A small boy stood with a man with alot of scars.

Muichiro: So, we just jumping in?

Sanemi: Yeah.

Muichiro: What about the other demon slayers?

Sanemi: They are supposed to guard the outside. Coming with us isn't free of danger in the slightest.

Muichiro: I see...

Sanemi: Well... HERE I GO!

Sanemi jumped down first. Muichiro just stood there and looked at the ground for a while before joining sanemi.

Muichiro: I have a very bad feeling about this...

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