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Hello everyone
How are you all? It's been two long weeks but I'm finally done with my exams, Yay.
Well anyways where were we?
Y/N losses his consciousness after Naito's appearance, let's continue.


Y/N had lost his consciousness. He felt his body falling into a void, slowly. He opened his eyes to see a black room surrounded by lava. A man stood on the end of the room. The man gave Y/N chills, he looked so majestic and powerful.

Y/N: Who is that?

Y/N looked very carefully as he analysed the man. He was wearing a purple haori and had a sword on his hip, he looked like a demon slayer. One thing which bothered
Y/N was that the guy was a demon. The guy turned his head around to look at Y/N, making him freeze on the spot.

Y/N: You are here.

Y/N: Who are you!?

Y/N: I'm a better and stronger version of you.

Y/N: What's your purpose to exist!?

Y/N: Well, that is unknown to me. But I need you to do me a favour.

Y/N: ...what is it?

Y/N: Wake up, accept that you are a demon now!

His words hurted Y/N alot. It felt like sharp knives were being driven in his body. Y/N had never felt many emotions till now. So it felt very painful to him.

Y/N: Stop running my self. You need to accept yourself! Master is-

Y/N's voice got cut out as now all Y/N could see was his mouth forming some words. But it was really hard to tell what he was saying as Y/N's ears started to ring very badly, waking him up from his sleep.

[Somewhere else]

Naito just stood infront of Maschenny and White, starring at them blankly. What just happened was a little to overwhelming for him, yet he never showed it on his face.

White: ... What the hell is this silence? The time... it's already been.. TWO DAYS!?

The silent was disturbed by Naito.

Naito: Oh.

White: Bahhahha! Is that your reaction to her confession!? Ahhahhah!

Naito: No it's not that.

White: Huh, what is it then?

Naito: I felt my powers being used by someone else.

Both White and Maschenny looked at Naito with total seriousness and concentration now.

Maschenny: What? How is that possible? You are the only one who can use souls so freely in your attacks or as anything you imagine.

White: Yeah, even I can't use the souls in anything else but my sword forms. Who can use souls so nicely like you?

Naito: Myself.

Maschenny: Huh?

Naito: It's probably Y/N. I did tell you, he is trapped in his mind. I probably appeared in there and used the souls... I will have to get him out of there myself too... *sigh* Why the hell is this guy such a bother?

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