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Hello there
How are you all? I hope you are all doing fine. Here is another chapter. We will most likely be done within 60 chapters. I don't plan on making it longer than that.
Anyways, let's begin.


The night had passed as the day arrived. The sun had just came up when both Naito and Maschenny woke up. They both turned to look at each other for a while. Both of them were half-naked.

Both of them noticed this but reacted quite passively. Maschenny was the first one to make the move as she started pulled her dress over her shoulder. Naito was mesmerized by her beauty and was intently starring.

Maschenny: Stop starring so much...

Maschenny was clearly embarrassed but she tried to hide it

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Maschenny was clearly embarrassed but she tried to hide it.

Naito: Oh, right.

Naito also looked away as he started to get dressed and ready. After a while both of them were ready to head out for Osaka and confront White.

Naito: Let's go then.

Maschenny: Yeah....

There was slight awkwardness in the air between the two. They knew this was going to happen considering what they had just done last night.

They reached at the reception as they gave the receptionist the key and got out of the inn. Ready to leave they looked at each other and simply nodded before starting to head towards Osaka.

Halfway through the journey Naito began a conversation to lighten up the mood.

Naito: Maschenny.

Maschenny: Yes?

Naito: About what happened last night...

Maschenny: ....

Naito: I'm sorry.

Maschenny: What?! Why?

Maschenny seemed confused to why Naito was suddenly apologizing.

Naito: I mean even if I asked for your permission.... It looked like I was just taking advantage of the situation.

Maschenny felt shocked but also relieved as she also had feelings like that about last night, she was glad Naito was the one to make the situation better.

Maschenny: Mmmmm, It's ok. I also felt bad but if this is how you feel I'm ok with it.

Maschenny and Naito were running slower than before as the gap between them was short.

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