Stone Cold Wind

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Hello everyone
How are you all?
So, I know I have been gone for a while. I'm sorry but it is nothing I could control school was just too much for me to handle after a while. Anyways I don't mean to delay the story any further. I don't remember if the characters in this chapter already meet or not, so for now they haven't seen each other in the fortress.
So let's continue.


The smell of blood in the air was intense. Shinobu could feel her body spin from time to time, as if the whole place was changing. After some minutes of running she ran into a stop. There was a huge door reinforced with iron infront of her.

Shinobu: The smell... is coming from here.

Shinobu looked at the ground as she cleared her mind. Nothing would have stopped her from the suicide plan if it weren't for the mistake. A huge mistake that happened in the corps which made her quit her plan on the self-poisoning. She did it as it was better for "them".

Shinobu: Ok...

She got inside as she looked around. There were bodies of women, one on top of the other. She couldn't bare to see this but she was forced to open her eyes to her "reality".

???: Oh? Do I have a guest?

A rather friendly voice came from behind the bodies. Shinobu tried to look through them but she still couldn't do it.

Shinobu: Who the hell is that? It sounds so familiar.

As shinobu was thinking she felt something or rather someone clinging to her foot. She looked down at whoever it was.

Shinobu: Wh-

Woman: He-help me!

???: Oh! It's Shinobu-chan!

The woman's body dropped to the ground as she had gotten sliced to pieces. This enraged Shinobu as she looked up.


Douma: Hello.

Shinobu was mad as she pulled out her blade but Douma was just waving his hand at her.

Shinobu: How do I go about this? I don't think my poison will work... my last hope also got shattered because of that day.......

Douma: You see I can't forgive you....

Shinobu: Huh?

Douma: You may have been the cause for
Y/N's disappearance.... he was a dear friend of mine......

Shinobu: You have the nerve to tell me that after killing my sister!?

Douma: I won't let you go any further.... non of you will pass, I will take revenge for

Douma blasted towards Shinobu before she could even realise what was happening.

Douma: You have gained some weight, Shinobu-chan.

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