A March to death

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Hello everyone.
So I don't know when this will be uploaded but this is being written on the same day as one of the earlier chapter so yeah.
Two uploads in one day let's go.
A request to control the corps. How will things turn out?
Let's begin


Naito: If you give the honour you will defeat four upper moons in the matter of two months...

All: !!!

Everyone was shocked. Four upper moons in two months? Sighting of an upper moon is rare in itself how will they manage to find four of them within two months.

Iguro: Why should we trust you?

Naito: Do you have a choice?

Iguro: Huh?

Naito: I, alone can take all of you on without even taking any damage. I have your headquarters location, yeah you may move to a different place but how are you going to do that? I have two spies on the inside...

All: What!?

All of them where shocked. They had no idea on how someone could get two spies that know the location of the headquarters at all times.

Naito: This place is currently under my control. One wrong moment and death may rise.

Iguro: !!!

All of them were scared because they still didn't know what the guy could actually do. But one thing was sure, he was strong. He broke chains of pure iron with his body. How could the pillars defeat that?

Naito: White and Maschenny are around here somewhere too... You guys were totally playing into my plan the moment you took place in the war.

Shinobu: Maschenny? That princess?

Naito: Oh, Shinobu-chan. You must be the one who ran into her, huh? Well yes that Maschenny.

The corps were in serious trouble. If they took this fight they would have to simultaneously fight against the demons and these three. There was only one thing to do.

Oyakata: I'm ok with you making decisions as long as they aren't too harsh...

A smirk appeared on Naito's lips but all the pillars were starring at the master. The man who held all the responsibility just gave an unknown man power to make decisions. But they still couldn't hate him for that. Who knows what might have happened if they took the fight.

Naito: Thank you for trusting me with this. I simply have two requests to the pillars. I want one of you to go to the entertainment district and atleast one of you to go to the swordsman village.

Rengoku: Hmm!? Why must we do that!?

Naito: Heh, Rengoku was here too...

Tomioka: What are you scheming, Naito?

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