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Hello everyone
How are you all doing? I hope that you are all fine. Do you even read these anymore? Must get boring seeing the same thing for so long.
Anyways let's begin from where we left.


As both Maschenny and Naito entered the room they could see countless swords lying on the floor. Most of them had blood on them, recently used in battle. Among all of the swords stood one guy, he had a singular sword and long white hair.

 Among all of the swords stood one guy, he had a singular sword and long white hair

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White: Oh, are you here to kill me?

Naito: White.....

Maschenny: So this is the ancient slayer.... his aura and presence along are great... totally lives up to his name.....

White: Come on, you aren't even of the Arie family. You, the guy look like you are from the Ha family while that girl is from the Khun family. What are you even doing?

Naito: Sorry to break it to you but I'm not from the Ha family, and neither are we here to kill you.

White: Oh? Then why the hell are you here? I truly hate people who wander around with no goal.

Naito: We are here to take you as our teammate, you have heard about the Arikawas, haven't you?

White looked extremely shocked and angered at the mention of the name "Arikawa", the members of that family were true exceptions. Each holding enough power and potential to become as strong as a god without leaving their human grounds.

White: What of it?

Naito: Y/N is about to cause destruction. We need you to help us kill him.

White: Ha!

Naito: Hmm?

White: Hahahahahha! You idiot! Do you really think you can stand up to that guy yourself? Ahahhaha! That guy! He is a greater monster than me! Even I can't do shit if he is around.

Naito: Well, I still want to try. I'm an Arikawa myself you know.

White: Huh? How do you even intend to fight him?

Naito: By luring him out and simply confronting him. If you don't think I'm worthy enough of your time, I will fight you myself.

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