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Hello everyone
How are you all?
So here is another chapter.
Tomioka wakes up from his rest. What happened in the past two days?
Let's begin


Tomioka: Calm down kocho...

Tomioka had woken up to see Shinobu breaking down. He really didn't know what happened because she is mostly smiling. And now he sees her on the verge of crying.

Shinobu: To-Tomioka-san!?

Tomioka: Yes...

Shinobu: I'm-!

Tomioka: Don't worry. If you want you can stay like this for a while...

Shinobu: No, it's ok....

Both Shinobu and Tomioka stood up. Shinobu was still a little shocked to see Tomioka on his feet. The wounds he had were bad, it would atleast take a week to recover even if he is a pillar.

Shinobu: How are you awake Tomioka-san?

Tomioka: What? Am I suppose to be in bed right now?

Shinobu: No it's ok if you are awake now. But such dosage of medicine should have kept you down for some more days. How are you feeling right now?

Tomioka: I... I feel ok?

Shinobu sighed. What was she expecting from such a dense man either way.

Shinobu: Did anything happen while you were uncouncious? Anything you saw? Dreams? Nightmares?

Tomioka remembered where he was for the past two days. What he had to reveal to the demon slayers now.

Tomioka: No, I won't tell you yet...

Shinobu: Not yet? What do you mean by that Tomioka-san?

Tomioka: I will only tell everything when everyone is around. At the meeting....

Shinobu: You know... this is why nobody likes you.

Tomioka felt relieved hearing those words. Shinobu had finally returned to how she used to be. He felt a little sad hearing those words but he knew they weren't true anymore. He already found someone who said they found him interesting.

Tomioka: What's the time?

Shinobu: Can't you see the clock right there?

Tomioka: Oh right... I haven't been in your office for a long time after all...

Tomioka mumbled the last sentence as he looked at the clock. It was 6:20 am. He had woken up in the morning. It was advantageous for him because now he could manage every thing before the end of the day. Every thing expect an unexpected guest.

A man was watching the room the two of them were in from far away. He stood on a tree branch as he heard there conversation.

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