And they were roommates 😰

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It was amazing how the two managed to live together and actually get stuff done. Kokichi Ouma, a well-known gamer had put out an ad looking for a roommate for the three-bedroom apartment he lived in. One bedroom was his for sleeping in, another was his streaming room, and the last was empty. The only reason he wanted a roommate was because he was lonely, streaming all day didn't allow him ample time to make friends and he didn't have a family.

The first to answer his ad was Shuichi, a member of the Saihara family but unlike his parents, he wasn't too much in the entertainment industry. After enough fights with his parents he was kicked out, his first choice would've been his uncle but he passed away the year prior making Shuichi look for a place to stay. He didn't have many friends because he was in private schools his whole life.

Almost as soon as they met Kokichi agreed to let him live with him, even going as far as to divide his streaming room in half so Shuichi would have space if he needed it. Shuichi was glad that this stranger let him live with him but the two had completely different personalities. Shuichi was quiet and reserved, using his half of the extra room to set up a study area of sorts, which surprisingly was easy to work in despite Kokichi's daily streaming. Kokichi on the other hand could be loud and not respectful of personal space at times, but every morning Shuichi would wake up to the purple-haired boy in the kitchen making them breakfast before watching him go into the streaming room.

Shuichi's first half of the day consisted of going to the detective agency he managed to get a job at before heading back to the apartment with whatever work he had for the day. After he got home he'd either find Kokichi making lunch or playing some game in the extra room. And at night when Kokichi ended his stream the two would try to spend time together if they weren't about to sleep. Over only a few months the two became good friends but something else started to make its way into Shuichi's mind, want to be closer with Kokichi. He shook it off as becoming attached but his heart knew the truth, he had a crush on his roommate.

Shuichi's POV

I unlocked the door of the apartment to find Kokichi at the stove making breaded pork with the rice cooker on.

"Hello Kokichi, how's your day going?" I asked while placing the three portfolios I had gotten from work earlier on the couch before moving to stand next to him in the kitchen.

"Hi, Shuichi! I'm doing good, thinking of maybe ending my stream early today so I can go out to the arcade tonight!" He chirped while waiting for the food to finish.

"That sounds like it could be fun," I told him with a small smile on my face.

"Yep, you're free to join me if you have nothing better to do." He told me while removing the now cooked pork from the pan.

"I'm not too good with games, besides I have three cases to take care of," I answered happily that he'd actually want me to spend time with him.

"Your loss," he said while scooping some of the fluffy rice out of the cooker and into two bowls before cutting up the pork. "Here," he handed me a bowl after adding the pork.

"Thank you," my heart fluttered as I thanked him. Moving over to sit at the table he joined me. Kokichi was a really good cook and I loved all of the food he made, I on the other hand am a terrible cook.

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