Rain (🩸 ☁️)

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The world is mocking at times. You could be having the best day of your life and then have something absolutely devastating happen. In the same way, you can have the nicest weather, but suddenly, storm clouds can appear out of nowhere. Some people learn this the hard way, while others see the world through a pessimistic lens that lets them be prepared...

It was a bright, happy day when terrible things were supposedly "revealed."

"I don't want your apology!"

Apology for what? I didn't do anything...

"How could you disappoint me like this?!"

But I...

"Don't lie to me! I know what you did!"


"I can't forgive this!.."


"Get out!"


"I hate you!"

I thought you loved me...

"How could I ever have feelings for a liar like you!?"

But Shuichi...

"Leave! Leave and don't come back!"

What did I do?

It's cold out. The sun that had once shown brightly in the sky was now obscured by dark stormy clouds.

Shumai- No, Saihara, why?

What did I do?

You never answered me...

I haven't snuck out lately, so it couldn't be that...

All I've done is stay home while he worked...

Was he really working?

He doesn't- hadn't been coming home on time recently...

Was he doing something behind my back?

His location is almost never actually at work...

A small ringing noise caught my attention.

I'm not answering him.

After a minute, the phone stopped. The silence was welcome but short-lived as thunder sounded from above. The air was dry, and each wave ahead of me threw water droplets onto my dangling legs.

A notification sounded from my phone. A voice mail from my beloved-. He's not my beloved anymore. With a swift click, his voice rang through the air.

"Kokichi, I'm sorry... I was lied to... Please come home, please... A storm is coming, at least come home so you're not caught in it-"

Delete this message?


Silence resounded again, embracing me in its cold grasp as the treacherous waves below threw more water, effectively soaking my shoes.

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