Shuichi should of died

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The good majority of this is angst, and then I made it kinda fluffy? Idk. I just didn't have it in me to end it sadly. Also, author 2 named this. Let me know if you agree with it 😌

~Author 1


"Hey, Shuichi, wanna play a game?!" An excited fourth grader with purple hair cheered.

"Sorry Kokichi, I need to study," the stoic blue-haired boy responded.

"C'mon Shu! You have your entire life ahead of you. Let's have some fun!" The childish boy pouted while moving to lay next to him.

"Not today, Kokichi." The response left an ache in Kokichi's heart, but he persevered,

"Maybe tomorrow then!"


"Hey Shuichi, my birthday is coming up on the twenty-first do you want to-" The excited boy beamed through the phone.

"Sorry Kokichi, I'm coming with my uncle for a business trip that week." Shuichi was quick to cut him off, so he didn't get his hopes up.

"Oh, maybe next time..." Shuichi never noticed the sorrow in his voice.


"Hello class, this is our new student Kaito, please welcome him kindly!" In the seventh grade, Kaito entered the school system, taking Kokichi's spot next to Shuichi, leaving Kokichi feeling dejected.


"Hey, Shuichi! I got a new game for-" Kokichi walked side by side with Shuichi on the way to their first day of freshman year.

"Sidekick! I need to tell you something important!" Kaito ran past the two dragging Shuichi away from Kokichi.

"Maybe next time..." Kokichi's voice laced with sadness.


"Shuichi, there's a new cafe in town. Do you want to come with me after school today?" Kokichi happily swung his legs back and forth from where he sat on his desk.

"Sorry Kokichi, I need to study for the exam next week. Maybe next time?" Kokichi swallowed and nodded sadly,

"Yeah, next time..."


'Please leave a message after the tone,'

"Sorry I didn't make it to your party this year, Kokichi. I promise to make it next year." Three days late, Shuichi spoke into the phone before hanging up.


"Hey Maki, what are you doing this week?" Kaito asked sheepishly while Shuichi trudged behind.

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