Shuichi you ungrateful son of a bitch 🖕【🩸】

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So I wanna see how angsty this idea was so please tell me if you idk cried or not. 😃
-Author 2

"Did I do something wrong?"


"Am I a bad boyfriend?"


"It's just because I'm not her isn't it..."


"That's it isn't it."

Kokichi no, I'm sorry...

"Have our ten years been for nothing?"

Of course not!

"Your silence speaks volumes Shuichi. You wanted a life with her didn't you?"


"I see... Shuichi. I think this is the end of us... Here's your ring back, find someone you actually love."

But I...

"Kokichi, wait, please, let's talk this over-"

"You could have said something earlier you know, it would have stopped a lot of problems!"


"What problems Kokichi? What's wrong?"

"You made me think there was something wrong with me! Every time we fought I wish we could have talked through it instead of you running off!"

Kokichi, I...

"I wanted us to be happy Shuichi! I tried so many things to ease my guilt!"

"Guilt? Kokichi what are you-"

"We're supposed to give an equal amount in a relationship! But you left me feeling jealous and I didn't want to be like that!"

I'm sorry Kokichi...

"The therapy didn't help Shuichi! They all told me it wasn't my fault but I didn't want to blame you! They were right about one thing though, you need to wake up! She's dead!"

No, don't cry Koki...

"You... Went to therapy?"

"I didn't want to be a burden or a mess around you..."

You're never a burden...

"I tried to push past my emotions, I pretended she was one of my friends... But she wasn't, she was just someone who happened to date you before me..."


"I worked hard to make us work! You never realized, did you? You were too wrapped up in the past!"

That's not true... Is it?

"Shuichi I just-! I can't do this anymore! I can't stand this stupid house with her pictures instead of ours, I can't stand the way you look at me knowing I'm not her! And I can't stand the way you seem to fantasize over being with her!"

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