Lies (🩸)

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"Hey, did you hear? We'll be having a new student!" Kaede squealed from her seat in the front of the class. "I hope they like piano music!" Of course, you do, Kaede...

"I hope they're not a degenerate!" Yep, sounds like Tenko all right...

"Gonta hope new students like bugs," Ugh, all of my classmates are boring...

"Morning Kokichi," Ah! My beloved Shumai has finally arrived!

"Morning Shumai!" Shuichi's the only one in my class who has my interest. Everyone else doesn't treat me human.

"How'd you sleep, Kokichi? You look tired..." Ah, ever the detective, it can be annoying at times, but I'll never tell him that...

"I slept well, Shu! How was your day yesterday?" I don't care, but I might as well be polite.

"Stressful, my uncle..." I zoned out, 'stressful' all he does is handle low-priority cases for his uncle because his uncle doesn't want to do his own work. If anyone here should be complaining about stress it would be me, I have to take care of myself, my parents only care when I'm hurt or if they'll get in trouble from whatever's 'wrong' with me.

Shuichi's story was cut short when the bell rang and the teacher arrived, leading a new student in. She wore the same brown hopes peak uniform like the rest of us, blue hair falling to around her knees. She looked plain, but something about her gave bad vibes.

Her name was Tsumugi, no one seemed to have any bad experiences with her and she got along with everyone easily. Everyone except me, apparently, when it was just the two of us, she always had some snarky remark. I ignored it and figured everything was fine.

Shuichi's POV

Kokichi's been different lately. Ever since Tsumugi came, she always ended up running to someone crying that Kokichi was being rude. We, of course, believed her instantly, Kokichi does have a record of rude pranks and insults, so it wasn't too out of character. The problem was that as time passed, Tsumugi told increasingly worse stories to us.

With each new story, I distanced myself more and more from Kokichi. He seemed hurt by it, but he deserved it. It gets to the point where Tsumugi will hide behind people when Kokichi's in the hallway. With each passing story, Kaito got more and more infuriated with Kokichi, finally reaching its breaking point in the middle of a week where Kaito started fighting with Kokichi. Kokichi obviously fought back, but he wasn't doing too good after.

Kokichi had to be picked up from class, and his parents looked pissed. I watched as Kokichi's father, a taller version of Kokichi with shorter hair, yelled at him as soon as they had left the building. Kokichi was suspended for a day, Kaito got nothing despite being the one initiating the fight. The next day, the class was calmer, Tsumugi didn't have any new accusations against Kokichi, but it felt like something was missing.

On Friday, Kokichi came back. He didn't say anything, and if anything, he looked more hurt than he did when he was suspended. He kept his distance from every one, no one could even get him to talk. Looking back, we should have seen the sign, but we didn't. By the end of the day, Tsumugi had made another accusation against Kokichi.

"H-he yelled at me! Telling me that no one truly cares about me! And that I'd be better off if I was just dead! Then he pushed me to the ground!" Tsumugi wailed, tears running down her red puffy face. My blood boiled. How could Kokichi do that to anyone?!

"That little! I'm going to teach him a lesson he'll never forget!" Kaito yelled, clenching his fists. He was obviously about to start another fight, so I stepped in.

"No. I'll take care of him, Kaito. I don't want you to get into trouble." A few people nodded in agreement, but surprisingly, Miu spoke up.

"How do you know that blue-haired bitch isn't lying?!" Miu's never stood up for Kokichi before making a few people think her accusations over.

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