Chapter One: The One with The Interview

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Disclaimer: This book was originally published on AO3 on March 1st and completed on April 15th. 

"Let's get water on that!!" Maya shouted to the team as they hopped out the engine. They had a house fire, that was spreading quickly. The fire was raging, there were a few neighbouring civilians stood on their own front yards but there was no sign of the family whose house was burning.

Maya sprinted over to one of the neighbours, "Are they home - have you seen them at all?" She rushed out.

"I'm so sorry I don't know! That's their car. Two adults and a small boy, he's around 8," she pointed to the one in the driveway. "But, they are in and out so much I couldn't say for certain," she said apologetically, unable to really help Maya.

"Okay, thank you." Maya said before running back. "Dispatch I'm going to need 2 additional aid cars and a request for another engine! Herrera, Miller we have a potential three person evacuation: 2 adults and a young boy, no given location. Go through and do a sweep, careful that structural integrity is starting to get compromised - the fire is nearing the roof. Montgomery, Hughes, Gibson keep that fire back!" She ordered.

"Warren and Turner I want you on stand-by if that family is in there they are going to need medical attention," they both nodded.

"I want an update Herrera," Maya voiced through the radio.

"No sign of the father but we have the kid and the mother and are bringing them down now," they responded.

"How we looking with those flames?"

"Doing good Cap!"

Miller ran out with a woman over his shoulder, a trail of smoke behind him followed by Andy who was cradling the boy in a blanket.

"Warren, Turner get them assistance." They both rushed over with gurneys as water continued to douse the flames behind them.

"Dispatch how we looking on those aid cars?" Maya radioed.

"2 minutes out Captain Bishop," they replied.

"Warren aid cars will be here in 2 minutes, are they both stable enough for now?" Maya asked.

"Both look to have smoke inhalation but I have I can use the PRT if anything serious happens before they arrive," He explained, to which Maya nodded before she spotted a something appearing from the side of the house, as it got clearer she realised it was a man, presumably the father who was covered in soot, furiously coughing and staggering away from the back of the house.

"Turner! Get on him!" Maya ordered.

Turner handed over his airbag to Herrera who was close by and ran over to the man who was on the verge of collapse. He was a few steps away when one of the pipes on the side of the house exploded throwing both of them to the ground.

"Gibson! Hughes!" Maya shouted as they all quickly recovered from the sudden explosion. She could hear screams and cries from the neighbours and could see the wife panicking from the noise, not knowing what was going on.

"Montgomery, get water on that!" She ordered as she ran over to help Turner. "Hey Turner! Hey look at me!" She watched the man's frantic eyes move around and his body try to move. He had burns across his upper abdomen and the fabric from his PRT jumpsuit had burned away from his body.

"Warren! I need you over here!" Gibson and Hughes had taken the father into the aid car that she had sent for and and they were already off but Maya needed assistance to help Turner and it wasn't looking good. "Stay awake for me Turner! We're going to get you to Grey Sloan! Hold in there!"

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