Chapter Ten: The One with The Family Introductions pt.2

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"We are going to get you out Maya okay?!" Vic shouted as they worked.

"Hold in there Maya! Just hold on!" Jack said, trying to hide his panic.

As the two firefighters removed more and more of the debris they found something that made both of them stop in their tracks. One of the pieces of wood had splintered and was now lodged into Maya's stomach.

"What's that look for?" Maya breathed out. She looked down saw what her friends were seeing - the pain becoming even more excruciating now seeing what was causing it in the first place. She almost laughed at her situation; only hours before had she been having breakfast with her girlfriend and Andrea and now here she was with a piece of wood sticking out of her abdomen - the world really had a twisted way of working sometimes.

"Get me out of here!" Maya demanded, her words strained.

"How are we going to get her out?" Vic asked.

"We're going to have to drag her or lift her - we just need to get her out, and fast," Jack said. "Okay - Maya this is going to hurt like hell but the quicker we do it, the sooner it will all be over - got it?"

"Just move!" Maya ordered - feeling herself getting light-headed.

Jack grabbed under her arms while Vic cleared the path and he dragged her across the floor, her blood smearing against the ground.

Maya screamed out in pain, but Jack didn't stop - he couldn't, not if he wanted to save her life.

Back down on the scene, Carina's mind froze after she heard the mayday call come through the radio. The firefighter hadn't been named but she was praying that it wasn't Maya. She couldn't lose her, she'd only just found her...

In the building, Jack was now pulling Maya up the stairs, with Vic holding her legs.

"It hurts!" Maya cried, her whole body felt like a white heat - the type of pain that went beyond anything she'd ever experienced.

"If it hurts, it means you still have enough fight in you to care so we are getting you the hell out of this place!" Vic cried as they continued going up the stairs. 'You don't give up Bishop - do you understand me?!"

Maya only managed a grumble in response - she just had to breathe, in and out, in and out.

Once, they finally reached the outdoors more firefighters rushed over to help.

"Get a board or a plank of wood or something!" Jack cried out desperately, needing to get his Captain to safety.

Someone slid one under the blonde and she was immediately laid down, with Vic holding pressure around the wound.

Carina watched as she saw a rush of firefighters crowd over someone, her mind racing and her chest tight not knowing who it was. She could see a parade of black helmets but only one red one. Out of everyone who was up there it was only Jack and Maya that wore red ones, meaning it was either Jack or Maya on that board; she had to be prepared for both.

Vic released her hand as Maya was slid across the makeshift bridge over to the other team then climbed over followed by Jack as they continued to lead her back down.

"Warren!" Carina shouted, seeing then man run onto the scene.

"I'm sorry - traffic is crazy - I came as soon as the alarm was raised," he explained. The alarm had now been raised from a three to a four, meaning Sullivan had arrived on scene and had now taken control - Andrews acting as his second. "What's going on?" He asked, seeing the panic on everyone's face.

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