Chapter Nine: The One with The Churros

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Chapter 9

Maya was stood in front of the oven watching over an omelette, a long academy t-shirt on with some sleep shorts and her hair in a messy bun, when two arms circled her waist, a kiss landing on her collar bone. Maya smiled, feeling a body rest up against her own.

"Morning," Maya said, turning her head to the side to steal a kiss from the brunette. "I didn't know when you'd wake up."

"Your bed is very comfortable," Carina mused, her voice still laced with tiredness.

"Not the first time you've said that," Maya teased, making Carina playfully roll her eyes.

"Not the last either. What are you making?"

"Omlette - one of your favourites," Maya revealed.


"Spinach and tomato? Yes," Maya said with a smile, knowing exactly how Carina liked her omelette in the mornings.

"You're the best," Carina replied, placing another kiss on Maya's neck.

"Yeah I am pretty great, aren't I?" Maya teased, receiving a prod in the side from Carina's hand. "Hey! I'm making you breakfast here," Maya pointed out.

"Well, I'll let you get away with it then," Carina replied, beginning to sway the two of them to the soft Italian music she hadn't realised had been playing in the background.

"How generous of you. Open!" Maya instructed, to which Carina followed as Maya placed a forkful of omelette into her mouth for her to try.

"Mhm - amazing; but I never expected anything less from your cooking skills bella," Carina complemented.

"Thank you, but I need you to go sit down, while I plate up - we don't want to be late for shift. Coffee is done as well by the way," Maya said, mindful of the ticking clock.

Carina nodded, grabbed two mugs from the shelf and poured coffee into both before putting them down on the table as Maya put down the two plates with their breakfast on them. The blonde put a small kiss on top of the brunette's head as she pulled out her chair and sat down next to her.

Andy was walking into the Station when she spotted two figures coming down the street; two figures that vaguely looked like her best friend and Carina. She waited in amusement, smiling as they came into view, smoothies in hand, animatedly talking and laughing.

"Morning you two," She greeted.

They suddenly looked nervous, clearly not expecting to be seen on their way to work.

"Morning," they replied.

"You walk together now?" Andy asked, trying not to smile too much at her friend's situation.

"We just bumped into each other," Carina supplied.

"We get our smoothies from the same place apparently," Maya added.

"Uh huh," Andy said, their poker faces were worse than she thought they were - anyone could tell from a mile off they were together.

"Well shift is starting soon so we should-" Maya said, pointing to the door. Carina and Andy nodded and followed Maya into the Station, the two women going into the changing room while Maya went into her office.

A few hours later, DeLuca and Warren were out on a call so Andy decided to take her chance and go speak to Maya, fortunately she had a tactic that always worked. Go in hard and strong and watch Maya crumble.

She knocked at the door, seeing Maya doing some paperwork.

"Come in," Maya called.

"Hey - I need to talk to you about something and I need the truth," Andy started, folding her arms.

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