Chapter Five: The One with The Unexpected Visitor

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Chapter 5

"I will never understand what sort of people leave candles just lying around near fabrics," Warren said from the driver's seat of the PRT.

"Quelli stupidi a quanto pare," Carina replied with a sigh. [The stupid ones apparently]

"I heard the word stupid in there somewhere so I will agree with you on that," Warren laughed.

"How long do you think the team will be?" Carina asked, filling out the medical response report that they would send over to Grey Sloan as well as one for Maya for the incident report.

"I'd say another 20 minutes, give or take, the fire wasn't that bad so it shouldn't take them too long. Some overhaul maybe then they will pack up and come back here."

Carina nodded, still tapping the screen in front of her.

"So, it's almost a month on the job! How are you feeling?" Warren asked.

Carina smiled at the question, "It's been amazing. I love every shift here, good and bad. It's something I've never been able to do, be on the scene right at the start, and right now I couldn't imagine myself anywhere else," Carina replied earnestly. This truly had been one of the most eye opening months of her life. She felt like she'd leaned more in a month than she ever had anywhere else. She had formed close relationships with the crew; always joining them for drinks, beating them a pool (although she was still yet to beat Maya.)

She had joined them all out on a few trips, a few to some sports games with Travis, Vic and Dean as both lieutenants and Maya had been at an all-day conference at Head-Quarters on their day off, and Warren had spent the day with his wife who also had a rare day off. So, it left the four of them to go and watch the Mariners and although Carina didn't have any clue what was really going she cheered when the team hit the ball and listened as Vic explained what was happening as they game went on.

"Well, I'm very glad to hear that. We do all love you here DeLuca - you are really part of the Station 19 family. Plus, Bishop doesn't hate you either so that's a major win, although I must admit your Italian conversations worry us. What secrets has she spilt about us?" He joked.

"More than you know," Carina teased back. It was true the two did love teasing the team, especially over meal times as it was easiest to grab their attention while they all stared at them blankly trying to figure out what was going on.

Her and Maya had gotten close as well, they'd talk about anything and everything, sometimes finding themselves the only two awake in the middle of night. They'd share stories about their work, the crazy cases, the funny ones, sometimes the sad ones. They'd given each other book recommendations after Maya had found out Carina was a major book nerd like herself and usually ended up swapping their books each week and then would talk about them in great length and detail in both praise and criticism.

She really had found a family here, she hadn't been here long but it already felt like home.

They pulled into the empty barn, the team obviously still working at the scene, meaning they were the only ones there. They hopped out of the truck, a tired sigh leaving Carina's mouth as her shoes hit the ground. They'd had quite a few calls over the course of the night meaning sleep had been limited, and right now she just wanted to shower, eat then crash until the rest of her shift was over. Which was in, she looked over at the clock on the wall, 2 hours, finally.

She heard a phone ringing and turned around as she saw Ben take it from his pocket. "It's Miranda - I'm going to head out back if the team come back and ask," he said as he walked away.

Carina nodded and gave a thumbs up before she put the tablet back inside the centre console of the PRT then walked into the lobby, frowning when she someone stood there, she really didn't want to have to deal with any walk-ins today....or just people in general because she was so tired and she knew her bedside manner wouldn't be at it's peak.

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