Chapter Ten: The One with The Family Introductions

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Chapter 10

Maya sighed as she collapsed back down onto the bed, a smile on her face, her hair sprawled out around her. "You're too good at that," she breathed.

"Speak for yourself bambina - my body still aches from yesterday," Carina chuckled, resting her head on Maya's chest as her fingers twirled the blonde's hair.

"Well you did look incredible in that dress," Maya mused, her mind flashing back to the night before.

"You bought it."

"And it proved to be a very...very good choice," Maya added tilting Carina's lips up to meet her own.

"Another round?" Carina proposed with a grin.

"I told you you were trouble," Maya smirked, rolling Carina back over and disappearing under the covers.

A few hours later...

"Do we have to go?" Maya said, trying to mask her nerves by gripping the steering wheel.

"Talk to me Bella - what's the matter?" Carina asked softly, turning to face the blonde.

"What if he doesn't like me?"

"He will. You're incredible; you protect me; you care about me; you make me insanely happy - that's all that he will care about. I promise," Carina said, moving her hand to hold onto the blonde's.

"Okay....okay," Maya replied, her nerves fading but not disappearing, but she didn't want Carina to worry about her so she gave her a smile and rested her hand on her thigh.

When Maya parked the car, she opened up the door for Carina then took her hand as they began to walk towards the restaurant where they would be meeting Andrea. The sun was bright and high so both were wearing sunglasses, Carina in a dress while Maya was in some shorts and a white vest top, one Carina had specifically picked out claiming 'it shows your back muscles', the same ones that she had an unashamedly obsession over.

"Pronto Bella?" Carina asked, going her hand a squeeze. Maya nodded, then held the door open for the brunette as they stepped inside. [Ready?]

The restaurant was fairly new to the Seattle area, but it had received welcomed reviews and was a nice and open spot for the three of them to meet, relaxed and informal - perfect for the first family introduction.

As the girls walked in they saw Andrea already sat down outside towards the back of the restaurant, a waiter accompanied them to their table and as they arrived Andrea brought Carina in for a hug before he shook Maya's hand giving her a warm smile.

Maya pulled out Carina's chair for her and the settled in her own, Carina's hand immediately finding her own under the table, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Maya, it's very nice to finally meet you," Andrea said, turning his attention towards the blonde.

"You as well - I know it can be hard trying to align our schedules up, so I'm happy we could all find the time."

"Are you guys on shift after?"

"Thirty hours, " Carina replied as Andrea winced.

"That brings me back to my intern years," he chuckled. " I mean I know I practically live at the hospital but every week; I couldn't do that."

"You get used to it," Carina replied. "You are also on shift, no?"

"Yes except only twenty four hours so not as bad," he replied as a waiter came to take all of their orders.

"I still don't understand how you can eat rucola," Carina said with a griamce in response to Maya's order as the waiter left.

"Arugula? Why?" She asked amused.

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