Chapter Eleven: The One with The Final Step

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Chapter 11: Epilogue

4 years later...

The sun streamed in through the window, casting a beam over the two women cuddled in bed under the covers - it was still early however the summertime weather meant everything started a lot earlier.

"Hm good morning," Maya mumbled, her eyes still shut as she felt Carina's hands run along her stomach.

"Morning Bella," Carina replied, placing a soft kiss on the blonde's lips smiling as she saw her favourite pair of blue eyes flutter open.

"I will never get over how beautiful you are," Maya said with a lazy smile.

"As charming as ever," Carina laughed, continuing to trace her finger over Maya's body. She felt goosebumps erupt over her skin as Maya's hand ran down her bare back, slowly going over her spine then resting at the base. However, Carina's morning happiness faltered as her thumb stroked over the 3 inch white line that ran across the blonde's abs; a faded yet permanent reminder of the 'what if'?

"What's wrong?" Maya asked, seeing the small frown on the brunette's face - however her question was quickly answered when she saw where Carina's hand lay. "Hey - we promised. No sad tears today. Only happy ones," she said, pulling Carina's face back up to look into her eyes.

"I know. I know . I just- everything could have been so different..." Carina whispered.

"I am yours, and you are mine. That will never change, okay? Plus, if I do ever get injured I have a brilliant doctor fiancé - you may know her?" Maya teased.

"Do you? Well, she is one very lucky lady," Carina replied, playing along.

"I would say I am the lucky one," Maya winked as the brunette pushed herself up on her elbows to give Maya another kiss, this one more passionate and heated. However, they were quickly interrupted by the bed dipping and four paws jumping onto the sheets.

"Enzo - I love you but you really do have the worst timing," Maya complained as the brunette diverted her attention away from Maya's lips to the golden labradoodle now occupying their bed.

"But he's cute so he gets away with it," Carina replied, stroking the dogs curls.

"I can't believe I nearly let you name him cannoli," she sighed, remembering the time Carina had suggested it.

"It's a cute name!" Carina protested, her hands ruffling the dog's fur who was more than enthusiastic to get some love.

"For a dessert, not a dog," Maya countered.

"Whatever," Carina huffed as Maya laughed.

"Just think in twenty four hours it will be just me and you. No dogs, no alarms, nothing to interrupt us - just peace," Maya said wrapping her arms around the brunette.

"I can't wait. The sun, the sand, the sea and my wife - what more could I want?" Carina replied, relaxing against Maya's toned body.

"But for all of that to happen - we do need to get up. Vic, Travis and Andy and your brother will be here soon and I don't think any of them would appreciate us still lying in bed naked."

"Hm okay. But only if you join me for a shower?" Carina asked, not liking the idea of moving from their warm bed without some form of incentive.

"How could I ever say no to that?" Maya replied with a kiss, the brunette letting out a surprised yelp, then a laugh as she was picked up from under the covers and taken into the bathroom.

Nearly an hour later, after an....eventful shower both girls were now downstairs, dressed in joggers and t-shirts, drinking coffee at the island.

"I still can't believe how far this place has come," Carina thought out loud as she looked around their home.

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