Chapter Nine: The One with The Churros pt.2

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Carina was left speechless by Maya, as she usually was - however it didn't take her long to find her words.

"Sì! Sì, bella, sempre sì," she said, some of her tears beginning to fall again. Maya smiled and brought Carina's face in closer so she could kiss her, now, girlfriend. [Yes! Yes, beautiful! Always yes!]

They were so enamoured with one another they failed to realise they were now the only ones left in the park, everyone having packed up their belongings and continuing on with their nights. However neither of them were too bothered as their lips just moved together in a way that only theirs could. It was theirs, only theirs.

After their not so short kisses in the park they decided to head back to the car very aware of the shift that they had the following day.

"Thank you for doing all of this Maya - no one has ever done anything like this for me before," Carina said, looking into Maya's eyes. "Sai di essere un romantico senza speranza e molto adorabile," Carina added, her brain briefly forgetting Maya knew how to speak her native language. Normally she could tell anyone how she felt, good or bad and they wouldn't have a clue but Maya was an exception. [You know, you are a hopeless romantic and very adorable.]

Maya smiled at the compliment and dipped her head as she blushed, "Lo tiri fuori in me." [You bring it out in me.]

"I must say, you speaking Italian can be very annoying at times," Carina admitted with a cheeky smile.

"Why?" Maya laughed.

"Because I can't say cute things about you without you knowing."

"I can just cover my ears if that makes you feel better," Maya joked, placing her hands over her ears making Carina laugh.

"Sei stupido," Carina said as Maya removed her hands.

"Oh, so now I'm stupid but a hopeless and adorable romantic? Wow...You really are rolling out the compliments tonight Dr DeLuca," Maya teased, getting a small jab from the brunette.

They continued slowly walking through the park, talking about everything and anything, Maya making the occasional joke that made Carina tip her head back with laughter as Maya would try and contain her own.

"Churro truck!" Maya suddenly cried, spotting one not too far away.

"I've never had one," Carina replied, not knowing what they were, she'd heard of them briefly but never seen nor had one.

"You are a woman of the world and you've never tried one before?" Maya asked, shocked.

"I haven't tried everything in the world you know."

"Well then my first official act as your girlfriend is to buy you a churro! You must experience the many joys in this life and it is a crime that you have not had one," Maya declared, dragging Carina over to the small cart, her excitement meaning she didn't catch the brunette's grin at her calling her her girlfriend.

"Okay what do you want on it? Sugar, cinnamon, chocolate?" Maya asked as they looked at the menu.

Carina looked thoughtfully before deciding on a cinnamon one as Maya chose chocolate which was to no surprise to either of them as Carina often teased Maya about her chocolate addiction. One that went beyond the limits of normalcy and that the doctor found incredibly amusing.

Maya paid for the churros, handed one to Carina and watched as she took a bite.

Carina moaned at the tase, it was sweet and somewhat gooey, still warm and melted in her mouth. "This is amazing!"

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