Chapter Eleven: The One with The Final Step pt.2

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"Let's get married!" Maya agreed with a smile as she got out of the car to go and greet everyone. Most of which were already inside with some mingling near the entrance.

As soon as she walked in she saw Carina's family and decided to go see them, knowing how far they'd travelled for today.

"Maya!" They cried as they saw the blonde approach them.

Maya smiled seeing all the people she had meet multiple times over the years: Zia Alessandra, Zio Maurizio, Vittoria, Giovanni, Zio Nico and Zia Rosa. Everyone was here that had been able to make the journey.

"È così bello rivedervi tutti!" She said giving them all a hug. [It's so nice to see you all again!]

"Non ci saremmo persi per niente al mondo!" Zio Nico smiled. [We wouldn't have missed it for the world!]

"Non eravamo d'accordo con la decisione di nostro fratello: non avrebbe mai fatto vergogna a nessuno di noi," Zio Maurizio answered shaking his head, the irritation of the situation clearly still fresh. [We disagreed with our brother's decision - she would never bring shame on any of us.]

"So che apprezza davvero la tua presenza qui, come me," Maya said gratefully [I know she really appreciates you all being here, as do I.]

"Mi sembra un'eternità dall'ultima volta che ti abbiamo visto." [It feel like forever since we last saw you.]

"Ebbene, quando siamo in Italia partiremo tutti per quel viaggio che Carina ha programmato. È passato un po 'di tempo dall'ultima volta che abbiamo fatto un viaggio di famiglia." [Well, when are in Italy we are all going on that trip Carina has planned. It's been a while since we've had a family trip.]

"Ah sì! Non vediamo l'ora!" [Ah yes! We can't wait!]

"Bene, ci incontreremo tra un po '? Devo solo controllare che sia tutto a posto," Maya said apologetically, not wanting to end her conversation with Carina's family. From the minute they'd met her they'd treated her as family and she alway felt welcomed by them.[Well, we will meet up with you in a bit? I just need to check everything is all sorted.]

"Certo, è stato bello vederti Maya e sei bellissima!" Vitoria, Carina's cousin said, giving her one final hug. [Of course, it was lovely seeing you Maya and you look gorgeous!]

"Grazie Vittoria! Anche voi state benissimo!" Maya smiled, before waving and leaving them to go back to their conversations. [Thank you Vittoria! You all look great too!]

Maya then joined her friends before everyone was due to take their seats. She smiled and gave everyone a hug, hoping it would calm her body down her mind now very aware that Carina was currently in a car on her way to marry her.

"Thank you all for helping set this up," Maya said, knowing they'd all offered to assist the venue with putting out chairs and flowers wanting to all do something for their Captain and friends.

"Of course, but we mainly did it for Carina," Jack joked receiving a slap on the arm from both Maya and Inara.

"We couldn't not help on your big day," Dean smiled.

"Hey everyone!" A new voice said, joining the group.

"Darren!" They all said, smiling at the man that had become good friends with them all.

"How are you feeling?" Darren asked, his wife Charlotte by his side.

"Good. Slightly nervous, but good," Maya said, taking a breath.

"You'll do great," he encouraged.

"Thank you for agreeing to all of this," she said giving him a grateful smile.

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