Chapter Three: The One with The New Discoveries

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Chapter 3

Finally, their shift was over - they had a few more call outs with Carina and Warren having to go and help with a head injury from some kids in the park that had been messing round which had inevitably ended in an accident.

Other than a few minor calls after that it had been pretty quiet, well Station 19 quiet which meant them all either bickering about who had finished all the peanut butter, or who had forgotten to empty the bins or where the remote control was, but they were finally done. Luckily, it was their shorter 12 hour shift that they were on compared to their other 30 hour shift which was absolute hell for them all.

They were all congregated in the lobby, changed back into their street clothes waiting for Maya to lock up her office and for B shift to arrive for the change over.

"So, your first shift is finally completed DeLuca - that was one hell of a call - how do you feel?" Vic asked.

"It was definitely a way to start the morning that's for sure," Carina said with a laugh. "Do you all remember your first calls?"

"Oh yeah - of course!" Andy replied. "Mine was being trapped in a garage that was completely electronically controlled. The fire was in the house and had fried the control panel and locked us in."

"I extinguished a Christmas tree - poor woman was drunk, knocked a candle over and whoosh," Jack said, gesturing some sort of upward motion with his hands.

"I rescued a cat from a tree," Travis said.

"Seriously?" Carina asked with a laugh, everyone else laughing with her.

"Someone had to do it!" He complained, but ended up laughing with them all.

They were interrupted by B shift who all walked in, officially relieving them of their duties.

"Hey guys!" They all greeted, "Have fun on the night shift."

B shifted thanked them and headed into the changing rooms.

"What is taking her so long!" Miller complained.

"I want a drink!" Vic added.

"Ah there she is," Andy said as Maya came out of her office locking behind her.

"Sorry, sorry - the Chief called and just wanted to know about the call this morning and you know he likes to have a chat," Maya said as they all walked out of the Station and towards Joe's Bar. Maya and Carina shot each other a quick smile and eventually fell into a walk side by side towards the back end of the group.

"Hey," Maya smiled, hands in her jacket pocket. "You been to Joe's before?"

"No - I've been to a few bars around here, but not there - what's it like?" Carina asked.

"It's a bar..."Maya said causing them both to laugh. "It's mostly full of firefighters, doctors - you're brother would mostly likely know it." Maya stopped herself, not knowing if she should enter into that territory; it wasn't her business.

"But, it's a place where we can all relax after a shift, especially a 3 alarm call like that one."

"I can't wait," Carina said, Maya could see her smile even in the dark and felt the familiar twitch in her stomach that seemed to appear every time she was in the presence of the brunette.

They arrived at Joe's 10 minutes later and were all pleasantly surprised to see it relatively empty. There were a few patrons sitting down on the barstools and a few people scattered around some of the tables in the middle.

"Hey Joe!" They all called out as they walked in.

"Hey guys - how was your shift?"

"It was alright thanks Joe - we have a new member,"Jack said, claiming one of the large booths.

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