5: The Secret Life Of Teens, Part 2

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part one.

"WHY DOES HE need to be here again?", Katherine West asked, raising a rounded brow in confusion as she looked at Nolan, who was splayed out on Spencer's bed like a depressed starfish. "He does know that this is a girls only study group, right?" Katherine was the captain of the cheer squad. She had been cheering since she was six. It was her passion. Maybe because she was given up for adoption when she was born, cheer had been the thing that kept her anchored. It was her only anchor in life. The only constant thing in a sea of unsurity. But life wasn't all bad, far from it. She got adopted by her moms, Erica and Rose, when she was thirteen and gained four adoptive siblings. (Samuel, Tanner, Jane, and Amber.) Katherine was a social creature, so she didn't actually mind Nolan's presence. It was just odd.

Katherine was quite beautiful. Her usually pale skin had recently picked up a healthy glow, accentuated by her long, dark hair that perfectly framed her soft features. Green eyes that were always curious and gentle stood out like springtime leaves. She was always flashing that big, beautiful smile at people, proudly showing off two small dimples. She was perfect in a physical sense, but Katherine's beauty stemmed from more than just the stereotypical features. It came from her beautiful soul, so gentle and kind, always at peace.

Nolan simply let out a depressed groan.

Spencer shook her head, trying to hide her amused smile. "Nolan is here because he texted me that he had a friend emergency that he, apparently, couldn't talk to Becca about." Yes, Spencer held a twice weekly study group at her house every week. It was an all girls one for the comfort of her companions. (Plus, sometimes they talked about girl stuff.) In conclusion, Spencer Fulkner is perfect.

"Because it's about Becca!", Nolan interrupted with another grown, throwing his hands up.

"And he needs advice from a girl, apparently", Spencer concluded. "I figured what better place for him to get advice than a room full of gorgeous, intelligent women?", she added with a smile.

"Okay, so what's this earth shattering dilemma that you had to so desperately interrupt our study session for?", Hero asked. Herodias Irakliadis. While extremely outgoing, the blonde didn't usually get involved in these situations. However, she was a bit curious. As someone who had lived in Madison all her life, of course she knew about the Stine family and their history there. (Hero had the perfect life, so to speak. Great parents with a beautiful love story. An older sister, Thaleia, who was just like their mother. A twin brother, Hal, who was the bane of her existence but also the best part of it. He was an artistic, quiet soul, quite her opposite. They were two peas in a pod.) Because she was quite athletic, she knew Becca pretty well too. So, with that knowledge and the fact that she was genuinely good at giving advice and listening. That was mostly because Hero always meant what she said. She was genuine, and earnest. Honest. The real hero type.

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