2: Well, This Is Awkward

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"BECCA, YOUR CREEPY doll is gone", Nolan informed, staring at the spot where he was sure Becca had left the dummy last night. Slappy was mysteriously missing, and that was enough to make a chill run down his spine.

"What?", Becca asked, her thick brows furrowed in confusion as she entered her room, still toweling down her wet curls from her previous shower. She turned her attention to her desk chair to see that Slappy was indeed missing. Still, she shrugged her shoulders. "My mom must have moved him last night. She was super freaked out by him. Come on, Spencer is waiting downstairs."

Spencer had failed to find what she considered to be the perfect dress the last time, so she wanted to search a new boutique and was inviting the entire group along.

"Still think we should search for the creepy doll", Nolan grumbled as they approached Spencer's dark blue jeep. "You know, so it doesn't kill us later on?"

Spencer's full lips curved up into a radiant smile that made her small, flat nose scrunch up and her thin brows raise. The sun shone on her brown skin, making her look golden. Spencer Lilah Faulkner truly was a beautiful girl. Her dark brown curls were slightly messy from the wind dancing in it through the window. There was a certain twinkle in her almond shaped brown eyes that you just couldn't find anywhere else.

"Oh, hey Cely. I didn't know you'd be here", Becca greeted politely as she slid into the front seat, seeing Cely positioned in the back on her phone.

Jocelyn Rose Grimes, aka Cely. She wasn't exactly a part of the friend group, but she was extremely close to Spencer and got along great with Nolan. In fact, Nolan thought of Cely as a little sister. She got on extremely well with Andy too, so really it was just Becca that she wasn't very close to. Not that Becca exactly minded. Three friends was out of her tiny comfort zone already, so she was just happy to be on friendly terms with the girl. Still, Cely was a beautiful girl. She'd recently gotten her inky black hair cut to her shoulders, and it suited her slim but rounded face nicely. The way her pouty lips were always set made her look cruel, but when she smiled that brilliant smile that made her thick, rounded brows arch up and her big brown eyes to get squinty, you could tell she was anything but. Her tanned skin was perfectly clear and she was practically glowing.

The last person they picked up was of course one Andrew Maxwell Johnston. The dark haired boy seemed cheerful, his thin lips curved into a bright smile and his small brown eyes twinkling as he slid into the seat directly behind Spencer. His dark brown, almost black, hair was slicked back but still slightly messy as he ran his calloused fingers through it, the muscles in his arm flexing. "Hey, gang", Andrew greeted.

The mall was a particularly slow trip. Andy and Nolan were sitting in a pair of chairs while they waited on the girls to look for dresses. "I still can't believe you asked Spencer to the dance", Nolan groaned, his head lightly thunking against the wall so that his messy, fluffy hair bounced slightly with the action.

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