6: Runaway Baby

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"UM, WHAT THE heck, Becca, why did you run away from Nolan?", Spencer exclaimed as she entered the Stine household, her chestnut colored curls flouncing as she walked. The brown skinned girl looked quite cross with her friend, her full, plump lips turned down into a scowl as she looked upon her friend. The way her almond shaped eyes, such a dark brown in fact that they were almost obsidian, were narrowed and her thick, slightly rounded brows, furrowed, you could just tell she wasn't happy at all. The moment Becca had stopped denying visitors, she had rushed right over. (And brought backup.) Becca had been radio silent the rest of the day and night after the incident at the docks.

Becca sat up from the couch, raising both her pale hands as if to surrender. "I panicked!", she answered.

"Panicked and crushed his soul forever", Cassie snorted.

"Oh, come on, it's not that serious!", Becca protested. "This is Nolan we're talking about. He didn't actually mean any of that. He just doesn't know how to handle his feelings and was transferring that to romantic love because it makes sense. We can talk in a few days when everything is calmer. It's not that big of a deal."

"So, let me get this straight. He made a very public declaration of his love for you, in front of everyone you know, and not only did you run, but you think he's just confusing his feelings of friendship for love? And you think it's no big deal?", Andy repeated slowly, both his thick brows raised as if he had to make sure he was hearing all of this correctly.

"Oh, it was more than just running", Spencer scoffed. "She tipped the boat over, got up, and then ran. You know, after she had to splash through the water."

"Oh, he's gonna be emotionally scarred for life", the dark haired boy snorted.

"You guys are over thinking it", Becca frowned. "Nolan and I both just need time to think rationally."

"He was thinking rationally, Becca!", Cassie protested, throwing her hands up. "You should have seen him when he was taking to us! The kid was... all torn up inside! It was a mess. He didn't even wanna tell you. We pushed him to, because we didn't want him to live with that regret. If we had known it would go this badly, we would have been less encouraging", she frowned after explaining.

"Oh", Becca frowned, her thin brows furrowed in confusion and a little bit of concern. "Oh."

"You know, I still don't get it", Spencer frowned, shaking her head. "Why would you think this is just Nolan confusing his feelings, Becca?", she continued, crossing her arms.

"Because it's Nolan!", Becca answered, "he's been my best friend for, like, ever! And this is the same guy who saw me in a dress and was like 'oh, wow, Becca, you look like a girl'! As if that's a compliment!", she pointed out, deepening her voice to mimic Nolan's.

"Oh, yeah. That was fucked up", Andy nodded.

"Andy!", Spencer scolded.

"What? I'm just saying! It was fucked up!", Andy defended.

"It was kind of fucked up", Cassie nodded in agreement. "But it was an honest mistake, and he apologized!"

"Exactly", Spencer agreed. "He'd just never seen you like that before. It was a bit of a shock is all."

"Shock or not, it was an insult", Becca frowned. "My entire life, I've heard that I should have been born a boy. I don't wanna feel like any less of a girl when I'm with the people who are supposed to care about me!"

"You're not any less of a girl, Becca", Andy frowned. "We all love you just the way that you are! And that includes Nolan. In fact, we love you because of who you are, not in spite of it."

Becca parted her lips to speak, but got interrupted by R.L. entering the room. He was still a bit miffed about getting knocked into the water yesterday. "Becca, have you seen slappy?"

His granddaughter furrowed her brows in thought before shaking her head with a frown. Come to think of it, she hadn't seen Slappy in days. The puppet had been radio silent. They were all so focused on everything else going on in their lives that they forgot all about him. "No. Sorry, grandpa. I'm sure he'll turn up!"

"That's what I'm afraid of", R.L. mumbled. "I knew I should have put that little fucker in a wood chipper when I had the chance."

Andy's brows knitted together, confusion in his chocolate brown eyes. "Isn't that murder?"

"I don't know, is it?", R.L. answered dismissively. "He's a cursed puppet, I doubt anyone cares."

"Well, someone better find him and do something", Hannah said from the top of the stairs. She looked terrified. And rightfully so. Slappy had ruined her life once before. He had taken her life once before. The fact that R.L. had tossed away her new manuscript meant nothing to her. She still felt like she could disappear at any given moment. And if she disappeared, then what would become of Becca? Would being part monster cause her to disappear too? There were too many variables, too many unknowns, for Slappy to be running around freely. "I called for help", she informed.

Right on cue, there was a knock at the door. Becca went to open it, given that everyone else was trying to figure out where the cursed puppet could be. A dark haired man was standing on the other side. His flat lips curved up into an awkward smile. "Dad?", Becca asked in confusion.

No one had seen Zach Cooper in a really long time. It was like he just up and disappeared from the face of the earth. He had become a recluse of sorts, too paranoid to get out much. That was one reason for his and Hannah's split. Hannah wanted to get out and explore the world. Zach wanted to stay where it was safe. "Uh, hey, Bex", he greeted.

"What are you doing here?", Becca frowned.

"Your mom called. She said it was an emergency", he answered, rubbing the back of his neck. "A Slappy emergency."

"And she called you?", Becca scoffed. "I'm surprised you even showed up."

"I guess I deserve that", Zach sighed. "I'm sorry, Becca, for not being here all these years. I know I should have been a better father. If I even get to call myself that now. Phone calls and birthday cards and the occasional visit wasn't enough, I know that now. Back then, your mom and I had been so young. I was foolish and scared. I wasn't ready. I don't know how to protect you from the world, Becca, but I know how to protect you from Slappy. Or at least I can try my hardest. You don't have to forgive me. Just let me help you."

Becca frowned, but stepped back to let him in anyway.

After a few hours of talking and planning, Bella rushed into the house and took a seat on the couch. "Why are children just coming in and out of my house like it's an orphanage?", R.L. huffed.

"Shut up, you guys need to turn on the news", Bella  stated, flicking through the channels until she landed on the one that she needed. On screen was a video of Slappy.

"My dearest niece, Becca", the puppet was saying.

"Gross", Becca mumbled.

"I have brought your favorite book to life! You should be proud! Now, come to the amusement park." The camera pans to show Nolan, who is gagged so that he can't speak. "Or else."

there's only, like, 3 of you still reading, if that, so i'm focusing on certain characters as my mains now. the other characters will still be in the story, ofc, just no longer as main characters.

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