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Rose POV
How I went from dropping food off to getting into a relationship? As I was heading to my car I saw Isabelle calling me.

"What do you want?"

"Where the fuck are you? I'm over here waiting for you and shit. If you couldn't make it..."

"Bella breathe." I heard her taking her breath. "Now I'm sorry for being late I know it's unprofessional but I will be there. You know I'm going to support you no matter what."

"Ok. Just hurry because the photographer is going to pack up in 45 minutes."

"I'm only 5 minutes away." I started the car.

"Your ass didn't even leave the house yet!"

"Girl I went to get something to eat and now I'm leaving the restaurant."

"Drive safe and your ass better be here in 5 minutes."


I hung up the phone and drove to the studio she booked. I speed walk to the dressing room and changed into the clothes and swimsuits she had laid out for me.

I was happy I decided to go with a basic makeup look. I applied my lip gross and the mascara on my lashes to it look more voluminous then I checked my brows and they were done. I rushed to put on the clothes that were laid out for me.

I went to the photos station to see her talking to the photographer about the pictures and how they came out. I came to stand on the x ready to take the picture. The photographer's assistant went through the motions by telling me what poses to do, how to stand, etc.

Isabelle looks up and was happy to see me. She came up to hug me. When she let go she was fixing me up.

"Thank you for coming. Next time when you're running late let me know in advance."

"I will."

She stood back and told me how to stand and adjusted the lighting to complement my skin tone instead of making me look lighter. I had changed into five different outfits after I have on a bikini that was designed for me. It has my flag on it and you can customize the bikini the way you want to. I also have a beach cover-up skirt that matches to go with it.

She put makeup on my butt and put the setting spray. When it dry she put tape inside the bottoms so it wouldn't move and applied hairspray. When I was done taking the pictures I went to see how they look and I like them.

I gave the photographer's assistant my phone to take pictures so I post them and promote my best friend's clothes. I checked my email and saw Aiden asking me for my social media. I thought about it and told him if he wanted to find it he would. Besides Britney, following me, he'll ask her.

I went into the dressing room to remove the makeup from my butt before putting on my clothes. As I was leaving the building Isabelle told me we will catch up later because she's choosing the pictures she like best so he can send them to her.

When I went home my lawyer wants to come by and discuss my contract with Aiden. I made some snacks just in case we get hungry and it takes a long. I made sure my living room and bathroom were extra clean.

I decided to change into my t-shirt with black tights and my house slippers. When I went into the kitchen I had chips, cheese, crackers even some leftovers in the microwave. I set them on the island along with a bottle of water and his favorite rum.

When I heard the knock at the door I looked through the pep hole and saw it was covered so I didn't open it.

"Kiyès frape sue pòt mwen." Malik moved his hand from the pep hole. I opened the door a little bit sticking my head out. "What do you want?"
(Who's knocking on my door)

"Can I borrow some..."


"You didn't even let me finish."

"Because you don't borrow you have."

"You want me to give you the condom after I'm finished."

"I'm talking about my ketchup, broom, sugar, and about 800 dollars."

"I don't owe you 800 dollars."

"I have receipts, but right now isn't a good time." He starts smirking at me.

"Who you fucking?"

"None of your business now bye."

I close the door in his face and lock the door. I sit on the chair by the island and FaceTime Isabelle and she sends the pictures she going to use. I tell her how proud I am of her. She was hesitant about doing this but she did and by next week she would have her online store running. I hear a knock on the door and see that my lawyer is finally here. I tell Isabelle I'll call her back later. I open the door to let him in.

"Sorry, it took so long."

"It's ok. Are you hungry?"

"I can eat."

We both sat on the island as he was discussing the contract. There were a few things that I wasn't really for so he took notes and decide we should make a contract just in case.  As we were eating our snacks Malik opened my door. He saw me and Steve looking at him and froze as if he thought he would disappear.

"What the fuck do you want?"

"I'm hungry." He just walked into my condo like he pay bills to where we were and started to eat my leftovers.

"What does that have to do with me?"  I tried to snatch it from him but he ran. I lock my apartment door.

As we were still going over the contract I got a call from a random number but I hung up.

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