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Aiden POV

After Rose left I'm not going to lie I felt happy. I don't know it's just something about her. My dad wait until everyone leaves out the room to speak with me.

"Do you want to tell me what's going on here or I'm going to have to find out?"

"You told me to handle it so I did."

"You already did plus Jazmine already clear your name." I didn't say anything back. "It'll come out sooner or later." He walks into his office and continues working.

When I went into my office there was a pile of paperwork for me to do. Britney was by my side helping me. When I was finished my friend Tamarius call me up so we can meet up.

As I was grabbing my things I told my dad bye as he was still working. Britney was already at the bar before I got there. One day she's going to get a speeding ticket.

At the booth were Mike, Jaiden, Britney, and Tamarius. They all had a drink with them catching up on business. I sat next to Tay and ordered a drink.

"How's work?"

"Same old same old."

"Old man doesn't want to retire."


"How's you and Jazmine." I saw Britney down her margarita after that one.

"There isn't me and Jazmine." Jaiden chuckles and says for now. "I'm serious I moved on."

"So who is she?"

"It's not the right time but if you must know her name is Rose."

"Do Jazmine know that?"


"Are you still fucking her?"


"In contact."


"Still thinking about her?"


They said their smart remarks 'how it's about time. The thing is me and Jazmine were never in a relationship but we also were in a relationship. That's why we would always argue about it. It comes to a point where you just get tired of the back and forth. That's why I want my next relationship to be different. I didn't want to go through the whole dating process only for it to be confusing and toxic.

We were at the bar for a little while when I saw her and her friends from the club walk in. They were on the other side of the bar. She was sitting next to the guy she was dancing with. I'm not going to lie I do feel a bit territorial but I'm not going to show it beside when he side close to her she pushes him away. I turn my attention back to the table and only Tay caught me but he did say nothing.

As the night progresses we ate food some of them are drunk but me and Tay we are both driving. When they are drunk they are loud. They are so annoying. Britney got up to use the bathroom but as soon as she saw Rose she stops to talk to her. Rose and the girl she's with help her into the bathroom. 

When they came out they were helping Brit to her table while she was sobbing. As soon as Brit sees us she's happy.

"Look at who I found." She thought she was whispering.

"Who's that?"

"This is A..." Rose put her hand over her mouth from saying anything else. She starts licking her hand but Rose keeps it over her mouth.

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