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I move the papers out of the way feeling Aiden arms wrap around me leaving kisses on my neck. I move everything to the side so I can seat on the desk.

"What do you want to do Mr.Santoriello?" He licks his lip spreading my legs to get in between them. He rests his hands on my hips drawing circles.

"Well, Mrs. Santoriello I can think of a few things. Like I want you to bend over this desk so I can fuck you from behind." My breath hitches as I listen to what he wants to do to me.

"I always wondered what it's like to fuck you in your office." I move over to the edge feeling his semi. "Especially as your wife." I wrap my legs around him bringing him closer to feel his semi on my pussy. He looks at my pussy like it's his meal. He raises his head to look at me. He squeezes my neck bringing me into him.

The kiss starts soft and longing. I wrap my arms around his neck bringing him impossibly closer. I lick his bottom lip and he opens his mouth allowing our tongues to caress each other. Our head moves in rhythm each time our tounges tango.

He squeezes the side of my neck giving me a signal that he wants to be a little rougher. I suck on his bottom lip and nibble it as I pull away a little to catch my breath. When I came back in the kiss was a little rougher.

Our tongues lock onto each other sharing each other spit. We were sucking on each other's lips I didn't notice us leaning back until my back touched the cold desk causing me to hiss. I run my fingers through his hair pulling it and causing him to moan into the kiss.

I felt his free hand caressing my stomach going down to play with the material of my underwear moving it to the side. His fingers moved in a circle on my clit causing me to moan into our kiss. He pulls away but there's a string of spit connected to both of our lips. I stick my tongue out rapping the spit around it and swallow it.

"Fuck, baby."

He leaves kisses down my neck till he reaches my boobs. He takes my nipple licking and sucking on it while looking me in the eyes. He squeezes around my neck once more before going to play with my other boob. My breath hitches waiting to see what he does next.

"That feels so good," I whisper but you can hear how horny I am.

He squeezes my boobs again going to the other to give them equal attention. I open my legs wider wanting them on his shoulders. He kisses down my stomach leaving bite marks. This anticipation is killing me. He pulls me closer to the edge of the desk. I prop up on my elbows to see what he does. He gets on his knees taking off the rest of his clothes.

He rubs his fingers in between my folds causing me to moan feeling how wet I am. He kisses my thighs before he kisses my clit. He grabs both of my legs putting them on his shoulders. He opens my lips to see my hole. He looks mesmerized. I clench and unclench my hole to see him biting his lip. I do it again and smack my thigh before diving in.

My back arches and I squeeze my boobs. This feels so fuck good. I threw my head back and grab his hair bringing him close. I hear and breathe heavily as his nose rubs my clit making me moan. I rotate my hips as I squeeze my boobs with my free hand looking down at him as he looks up at me.

He comes up to repeatedly lick my clit to see how responsive I am. He continues to tease me when I least expect beginners to finger me.  He sucks on my clit making my body feel hot. He smacks my thigh the more I move bringing me close. He removes his fingers replacing them with his tongue. His tongue feels so nice making me clench it.

He pinches and rubs my clit, I have a strong grip on his hair bringing him as close as I can. My breath is heavy as I threw my head back seeing stars. He smacks my thigh again then grabs my hip at an angle. He screams his name as I cum on his tongue. He continues his assault having my body to go into shock.

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