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"I'm not the one who coming over here with bullshit." She said unbothered as she got on the phone calling him. He answers one the second ring. "It's a lot of thing that I let you slide but don't be having your bitch come over here to check me."

"Bitch?!" Angel didn't pay her no attention until she punch her. Angel drop her phone getting up so they can fight. Before you know I seen three girls trying the fight her so I drag one of the girls out of the way, getting to the other girl.

Angel fighting one on one while I'm fighting two bitch. I'm not going to lie they was getting me at first because one of the was hitting me from behind and the other was in front.

I ignore the girl hitting me from behind because her hits are soft. I'm going toe to toe with this bitch I grab her by her hoodie putting it over her head punching her in her shit then body slam her knocking over a chair. Once I got her on the ground I got on top of her doing her in until she block her face. I feel somebody else still punching me. I wrap my arms around her legs making her lose balance. I got in top punching her making sure it connects. Eventually I got up because I got a little tired but I still got fight in me.

"Y'all want y'all one on one?" Letting them stand up. The girl that I body slam body hurts so she took a little while to get up while and the other girl I just got finish fighting got up putting up her set. While there friend sit in the chair shaking her head saying she told them so. She pulls out her phone to record the fight so they could see how dumb they look. I put my set up to and since I know how she fight I'm going to use it to my advantage.

This time she try's to put all her energy in her first punch I dodged it making her lose balance. I gave her time to recuperate.

"You don't know how to fight for real." I laugh and that pissed her off she try's to fight like me but I know how to keep my balance.

I kept my head up while she put her head down a little trying to block her face. I just start punching her not let her reciprocate herself until I felt her scratch my face I bomb rush her out the door. I dragged her to a car kicking her in her chest and neck. I kicked her in her temple having her laid out.

I walk back in the shop going to the other girl who took off her hoodie. I look at her face. She got two knots a black eye and a scratch on her face from my ring.  I put my set up again.

"You ready." I ask feeling my hand swollen but I'm going to fight through it. We start fight again and we going toe to toe. I start walking forward still punching her. I put her ass in a seat still going in backing her into a corner. I see that she was going to kick me so I grab her by her leg dragging her outside.

I let her go put she got up with a quickness ignore her sore body. She try to kick me again and I swipe her other leg having her hit the concrete hard causing her to have a concussion. I went back inside seeing their friend getting up from her seat to go check on her friends, while Nique and Shae trying to break up the fight between Angel and the girl but they were just pulling each other hair.

I move Nique and Shae hands I grab the girl by her hair so she can let Angel go which she did. I drag her out the door to her friends. I sat down like nothing happen taking out my phone to see my face. I have knots on my forehead, scratches all over my face and I fucked up hand with two broken nails that I didn't even notice.

"Why the hell yall didn't help?" Dude cleaning Aiden up.

"So I can get punch by Floyd?"

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