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Me, Aiden, Matteo, Callisto, and Kim are on our way to Italy. I stay in the bedroom of the private plane not wanting to be anywhere near her. I'm lying in bed didn't realize I fell asleep. I feel Aiden laying on me in a deep sleep.

After Aiden's birthday we have been doing better. It feels like we are dating all over again. A couple of weeks later he still continue to do the stuff that he did before. We would make time to talk to each other on the phone.

We are fasting and praying everyday together, are connection has gotten even deeper and I didn't think that was possible. For our one year anniversary we celebrated like it was any other day. We were dancing in the living room having our own little party.

I run my fingers through his hair and he snuggles me kissing my cheek going back to sleep and I drift back to sleep. I wake up to Aiden's hand on my boobs his Julio pressing in to me and Callisto standing at the door with the ice bucket.

"Finally! I have been trying to wake you guys up for 10 minutes now." Matteo came with ice cold water dumping it on Aiden causing him to jump up out of his sleep stand quick on his feet looking around.

"Next time I wake you up you better wake up. Dimmi di lasciarti in pace di nuovo." He says the last statement to himself as he walk out of the room and Callisto follows behind. (Tell me to leave you alone again).

I get off the bed pulling my shorts down. Aiden sat down on the edge of the bed. Resting his hand on the top of his head. He hasn't been feeling well lately.  He has these dizzy spells in the morning when he wakes up making him feel sick. I hear him gag so I grab the bucket Matteo left giving it to him so he could throw up. I rub his back encouraging him to let it out because he hates throwing up.

When he finish and his dizzy spell is gone we did our morning routine before getting off of the jet. Aiden and I drive in one black suv, Callisto and Kim drive in another and Matteo drive in the one in front. Their so many security guards here. We drove out into what looks like the country side. It's a small city where everyone knows everyone.

We pull up to the house and it gave old money vibe. Aiden helps me out the truck and into the house but I couldn't miss the people here. They have twice as many bodyguards here than they do in America. I expect to see his family members but none of them was here but I'm too tired to question it so I laid down in the room said was for us. It didn't take long for us both to be sleeping.

When I woke up Aiden wasn't here. I went in the bathroom across the hall with my toiletries and clothes. I took a shower getting ready. I wrap the towel around my body stepping out of the shower. I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste out of the package. I wet the toothbrush putting toothpaste then wetting it again before brushing my teeth.

When I was finish I put it in a zip lock bag putting it back in its pocket. I grab my face rag and my face wash washing my face. After that I grab my other face rag to dry my face, putting them both on the drying rack. My lace is lifting because I was too tired to put on my bonnet so now I'm laying it down.

I mix my lotion and my body oil rubbing it in the legs, arms and hands. My wrist is still bandage, and my fingers are still healing. My face heal so I can put on my makeup. I did the little to no make up which is I did my eyebrows, conceal and correct, my eyelashes and my clear lip gloss.

When I was done I put on my white dress over the towel. When I pull the dress down I pull the towel from underneath flatten the dress. I fix the dress that hugs my body seeing my small pudge. I put on my underwear and my nipple pasties. I curl my hair with my mini flatiron then putting in the flex rods.

I pack all of my stuff back into the bag, making my way back to my room. I sat on the bed putting on my sandals. I grab my phone seeing Beth calling me.

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