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It's been three months since Jazmine left. He's still in his shell. I want to help him but I didn't know how to. I didn't want to pry or pressure him so I'm waiting until he wants me to. He had movers move my clothes and necessities to his home. I still have my condo just in case, all my big stuff like furniture is still there.

We changed the locks the very next day. The paparazzi had a field day with that. She confirmed our relationship with them as she was leaving. We still didn't make any statements. We decided to wait until we get engaged.

He talks to me when he needs to, like when we have to get to know each or when he needs my help with something. He puts all his energy into his work. He wakes up at five am and comes home as usual at 1 am. I'm scared he's going to overwork himself.

I met his dad a couple of weeks ago when he was working in his office. His dad is nice and he sees his son putting all his energy into his work. I told him about Isabelle and I was promoting a new club opening. His dad wants me to take him with me to help him relax a little bit.

I did my Maybelline shoot already they sent me the pictures back of the shoot and they came out fantastic. I like how they capture my natural beauty and enhance it instead of my looking like a catfish. I had to wait till they put the new coverage foundation out to promote it.

Today is his day off. I turn off his alarm and plan the whole day for us. I went downstairs to cook him some breakfast which was French toast with powdered sugar and strawberries on top, scramble eggs, and bacon with maple syrup on the side.

When I was done I made my way upstairs to his bedroom. I open the door to see him knock out cold. He was laying on his stomach with his arms and leg stretched out. The cover barely covered him up. I put the plate on the dresser next to him.

When the smell hit his nose he was stirring in bed. He pats the side I usually sleep when he didn't feel me there he woke up and panic a little. He took me in the direction and saw me smiling at him.

"You hungry?" He shook his head no. "Can you please eat for me?" I said as I was tracing the cover pattern looking innocent. "I want you to eat so we can go out today because it's your only day off and I want us to spend time together so I can get my AD back."

He reaches for the plate starts to eat the French toast then devours the rest of the food. "You didn't want anything to drink?" I took the plate from him. He got up kiss my forehead making his way downstairs as he held my hand. Everything in me told me not to look down because he was still in his boxers.

I went to the sink to wash the dishes, he went to the fridge to drink some water. When I'm drying the dishes and putting them on the rack he came behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing below my ear.

"Thanks for being patient with me." I lean more into him feeling his print on my butt, he snuggles his head into my neck leaving wet kisses. "You look beautiful as always." I look down to see myself in lingerie with my robe tied in the front.

"I know." He unties the robe letting it fall on the floor. "What are you doing?"

"Admiring your beauty." When I finish I dry my hands facing him.

"Are you sure that's all you doing?" He nods his head biting his bottom lip. He picks me up putting me on the counter. I wrap my arms around his neck. "What do you want to do today?"

"You obviously but we both know we're not ready." I agree with him. He looks at me and got this bright idea. "I want to get a tattoo! I always wanted one." I see the excitement in his eyes.

"Ok, what are you going to get?"

"I honestly don't know. Can you get one with me?"

"I- I don't know? Those are permanent."

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