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When we get to the house I see Jean waiting on the front porch. Jordan ran out of the truck before I can even put it in park. He tried to calm him down before the rest of the boys got out. I see the paparazzi taking pictures. I stood in front of Aiden blocking him.  

"Ete men ou sou mwen!"
(Get your hands off of me!)

"Calm down! Let's go inside to talk about it."

"Look at your sister! Do you really think if Aiden was the one to expose her do you really think so would protect him right now!" Jean stop fighting with them but he was still fuming. "Let's go inside. If he doesn't have a good explanation fuck him up in his house."
He went inside and slam the door.

"I have to get ready for work."

"I have to go to the studio."

"I'm going to stay just in case I have a story."

I held Aiden's hand and walk through the door while everyone else was outside. Jean is pacing back and forth trying to calm down. I convince him to sit down, I held his hands in mine to tell him everything we found out.   

"If they are after his dad what does that have to do with you?"

"Easy target, but that's not all." I was doing my breathing technique when I feel Aiden massaging my shoulders. "Do you remember when Andre took me to the prom?"


"I don't know how to tell you." I felt my hands sweating and shaking.  

"What happened?" I'm trying to spit it out but it doesn't. "Did he hurt you?" I nod my head yes. "Did he put his hands on you?" I nod my head again. "I'll be back." He kisses my hands. He point to Aiden and told him to come.

"Where are you going?"

"I'll be back ok." Aiden kisses my forehead and they both head out the door. Isabelle and Marie came to sit next to me and held me while I cry.

Aiden pov

We went in Jean's car. It was quiet but you can feel the tension. He was driving to Andre's house. When we got there he took his gun from the glove compartment and took it in his pajama pants, he put on gloves and gave me a pair. We went to knock on the door but no one answered. Jean shoots the lock and opens the door. We look around the apartment and found nothing, some of his clothes are missing. The place looks a mess like he was in a rush to leave.

We left the apartment and went to the trailer park. We took off the gloves before knocking on the door. An older woman opens the door.

"Jean! What are you doing here at 7 0clock in the morning?"

"Good morning Ms.Johnson. Have you seen Andre? He told me he need a tune-up but he's not home." 

"He didn't tell you he moved?"

"Moved? Where did he move?"

"Chilee he moved like 2 months ago away from the city, he call me and told me he was on vacation with some girl."

"What girl?"

"What is that girl's name." She starts tapping her thigh thinking. "Rose but she pronounces it Rosé, a boujie little girl."

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