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Aiden POV
She took my hand as we shook it. I like it when she's competitive. I am going to put as many babies as she lets me but knowing me I'm not going to stop. I can imagine her now glowing with our baby. I don't care if I have a boy or a girl I just want kids. I want a baby so we both feel whole. I don't do interviews and this sort of stuff but I'll do it for her if it keeps a smile on her face.

"Have kids been talked about in your relationship?"

"Yes. I want three Aiden wants as many as he can have."

"Why?" She faces the man who asks the question and smiles as she answers the question.

"I never really felt lonely with my siblings even though they get on my last nerve I love them so much." She looks so beautiful with that butterfly necklace on her chest. She looks so happy today.

"I grew up the only child it was always quiet and lonely, I always wanted a sibling. You ready amore."


"Where did we first meet?"

"This is a trick question because you would say the club and I would say your office."

"We met at the club."

"Not really."

"Can you explain why you would say two different places?"

"I'm going to answer this." She said before I could explain. "In January I had signed a contract with a modeling company so I went to the club to celebrate. As I was dancing with a friend I always felt eyes looking at me but I couldn't find the person so I let it be. As the night went on I check my emails to see my schedule for the next week when I see Britney his assistant giving me a bottle and a congratulations card with my tab being paid for. He didn't leave a name or number on the card. When I look up I see her going to the booth right across the way. I try to see his face but I couldn't because it was dark. But I did see his figure so all I knew about him was that he's tall."

"Two months later Britney told me she see her at a restaurant and so I told her to get her to come to my office. Britney told her she had a family emergency so she could bring me my food. She came through the door I was shocked that Brit got her to come and she was wearing a white crop top with high-waist jeans with clear heels. I noticed her nails were yellow. She gave me my food and was going to leave but I couldn't let her leave without getting her number."

"I gave him my email. He's very persistent but eventually got my number."

"I made sure I put a ring on your finger. I'm not willing to let you out of my life." She looks down at her ring finger still in shock about the whole thing. "What was I wearing when we first met?"

"A blue Armani suit with the brown dress shoe with a Rolex watch."

"So you were checking me out?" I said with a smirk.

"Yes I was but I didn't make you feel uncomfortable."

"But I knew you were checking me out, you just don't like to admit it." she rolls her eyes, and motions for me to move to the next question.

"Whatever next question."

"How do I like my coffee?"

"You're not a coffee drinker but if my mom makes coffee for you it's a medium roast with two scoops of sugar. If go to the coffee shop near your job you will get a Carmel latte, but if you go to Dunkin you would get a cold brew iced if you go to Starbucks you would get a caramel macchiato made with whole milk."

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