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while puking your guts out in the toilet, you regretted every single drop of alcohol you'd consumed. you should definitely learn to control yourself when it came to drinking.

your chest hurt from gagging, your eyes were watering and your fingers dug into the
ceramic for support. several coughs interrupted your flow of food and liquid,
until you couldn't bear it anymore.

you leaned back against the bathtub, wiping your eyes with your wrist. a sniff was to be heard, followed by the sound of the door creaking. head buried in your hands, you mumbled something incomprehensible.


"yeah, i can see." you recognized the voice,
but we're too tired to lift your head, so you
just coughed. "are you done?" suna asked, closing the door behind him and sitting
down next to you, his shoulder touching

for some odd and unknown reason it hurt
you a little that he just sat there. your expectations were getting pathetically high and your stomach rumbled again. single for two days and you'd already fantasize about being near to somebody else.

you could hear your ex's voice echo in your head. 'desperate'.

"i guess" you replied, voice raspy since your throat was completely dried out. a certain
smell tickled in your nose, making your stomach rumble dangerously again. suna
was smoking.

"are you really smoking in here right now?"
you implied, a rhetorical though reproachful question. almost reflexively you raised an eyebrow at him as he offered you his cigarette.

"wanna try?" his eyes didn't look at you with amusement, pity or with disgust as you would expect it from someone who'd walked into a bathroom you were currently throwing up in.

i don't smoke. you'd almost said it. but you didn't. because this was a one time chance.
you'd never smoked. this would be your first time.

and it was with him. that guy you'd known
for three hours tops now, whom you'd already kissed, on whose lap you'd been sitting, with whose hands you'd fiddled, whom you'd been dancing with. so, you took the cigarette.

you led it to your mouth, taking a deep drag, making the smoke spread in your airways. it burned. an uncontrolled cough was the consequence, followed by fresh nausea
coming up. "oh god."


for the next five minutes, suna was holding your hair while you vomited non-stop. meanwhile he'd finished his cigarette, stubbing it out in the sink.

eyes closed, your face just hovered above
the toilet, stomach emptied eventually. a
sigh left your mouth and you relaxed as far
as possible. "damn" suna commented and
you chuckled a little. "guess alcohol's not
for me" you pointed out the obvious.

"feeling better?" he assured, still holding
your hair in a ponytail and brushing some loose strands out of your sweaty and tearful face. he was so caring, it almost made you vomit again. you hummed, too exhausted to open you mouth anymore.

"you usually don't smoke when you're
throwing up" he joked and pressed the flush. you sunk down on your knees, another cough escaping you.

when he wanted to rest next to you again, something on your neck caught his attention. "what's on your neck?" he wanted to know, examining the four purple spots more closely.

you'd totally forgotten about that. shit.

embarrassed, you covered it with your
hand. "it's nothing. just a hickey" you made
it up, lifting the corners of your mouth,
giving him a fake smile. but it didn't reach
your eyes.

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