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"where are we going?"  you giggled.

suna had been leading you through the streets for a while now, holding your hand. you loved the feeling of his palm against yours, his fingertips against the back of your cold hand.

you could stay like this forever.

„are you hungry?" he asked instead of giving you an answer. if he would go to your school, if you wouldn't know him, you would be scared now. you didn't like walking or rather doing anything without having it planned out before.

"uh, a little. but i don't need anything."

during your fifteen minutes walk you'd sobered up a little. and it also brought you back to your habits: not wanting to cause any effort that might be exhausting to him.

"let's get something. you're not vegetarian are you?"

he was still holding your hand. his voice was still calm. he wasn't angry. a little squeeze pulled you out of your thoughts. "uh no..."

he lead you into the next restaurant. which happened to be subway. "sit down, i'll be back."


you passed the time with wondering whether the spots on the table were really moving or if it was just you.

a few minutes later, suna returned with a tray of two subs, two cookies and one tall drink. a little suspicious, you looked at him while he sat down.

"nothing" you mumbled, waiting for him to hand you your sandwich.
"i picked the exact same that you had last time. in case you're wondering."

you chewed on the inside of both your cheeks simultaneously. you were ashamed that you even thought of being picky.



having eaten up, suna continued his way to wherever. you resisted the urge to ask about the destination again.

he didn't hold your hand anymore.

there was complete silence between you two. until you read from his movements that he was drinking something.

„hey, what are you drinking?" you asked, feeling stupid right after. suna lowered the bottle and looked at it. it clearly wasn't water. „nothing?"

„give me some" you ordered. he threw you a side glance. „no. it's mine" he said in a childishly claiming tone. „i have a feeling that it's actually atsumu's. and that you're a thief."

he looked guilty. „you don't want me to snitch, do you? atsumu would surely love to know."

as if it was the simplest solution, you offered your hand. without another comment he handed the bottle over.

„you didn't have to empty it, you know?" he mumbled, pouty, and tossed the empty bottle into the trash can. the glass shattered audibly.

your face was still contorted because of the bitter taste which had almost made you gag. it was disgusting. "do you have any music?" you asked, randomly.

your feet felt energetic, your body was underwhelmed by just walking. you wanted to move, to dance. „no."

suna was even more sarcastic than usual. dramatically, you let out a loud, high pitched sigh. „kidding. here." he offered you the left airpod.

he didn't offer you to choose a song though. meanwhile you'd entered a park. of course, there was no one, it was way past midnight after all. „are you gonna choose something or-"

the starting music cut you off. you grinned.

„why are you smiling?"
„i knew you'd listen to cigarettes after sex."
„oh? how so?"
„i don't know. you just give off the vibe."
„i hope that's a compliment" he laughed.

his laugh was contagious. it was rough and yet very genuine and sweet.

„i swear i'll only make you cry. maybe i'll change for you someday but i can't help the way i feel" you sang along loudly, totally off track.

„please stop. it sounds awful" suna begged , but you wouldn't shut up.


he covered your mouth with his hand, pulling you closer. his fox eyes didn't look angry, though. you looked up at him, innocently. so innocently, that he almost didn't realize it when you licked his hand.

he pulled it away quickly, gazing at you in shock. "ew!"

you giggled like a toddler. "did you just lick my hand?" suna questioned, even if it was rhetorical. "no" you imitated his voice, repeating the words he'd said all the time. you stuck out your tongue.

"you know, you're so bratty-" he started but was distracted by you running off.
"hey, where are you going?" he shouted, chasing after you to prevent the bluetooth connection from breaking up.

when suna reached the top of the hill, you were already there, head in your neck. staring at the starry sky. it was beautiful.

he looked up at the never ending dark, he didn't notice you coming closer. he didn't notice you pausing in front of him.

but he noticed when, simultaneously with cigarettes after sex's apocalypse starting, you grabbed his hand. you intertwined your fingers, got on your top toes and whispered, so near to his ear that he could feel your breath:

"dance with me, pretty boy."

and he did.

his arm reached for your waist, pulling your torso even closer. he adjusted his hand holding yours, his eyes never leaving your face.

you smiled brightly as he twirled you around, lead you from left to right, forward and backward, over the whole hill. all of the sudden, he knew how to dance. the glowing of your eyes and the reflection of the stars in them, it was fuel enough.

you'd never dared to imagine something like this. you had never guessed to once dance under the night sky with someone like him.

the song never seemed to end, and you didn't want it to. you never wanted the effect of the alcohol to fade, never wanted him to let go of you, never wanted the next day to come.

and as if you'd planned this out the whole evening, when void hit the first chord, you slowly, softly, gently reached for his lips with your fingers.

you traced their so perfect shape, having his eyes piercing you. just until you straightened up, aiming for his mouth with your very own.

he met you half way, bending down so you could relax your feet which had been tired from standing tall. his hand, still holding yours, sunk to his side, letting go, just to reach for your cheek.

he still tasted of whatever had been in that bottle you'd emptied, but it wasn't bitter anymore. and so did you. you were tasting of the same thing. as if you were one.

his tongue slid over your lower lip, his hand cupping your jaw. you let your lips part to allow his tongue to enter, burying your hand in his soft brown hair.

there were so many things rushing through your head, as if it was the end of the day and all of japan's commuters were on their way home, hectically like your thoughts were.

but for the instant of the kiss, there was nothing but the image of his face, the sound of laugh and the smell of his clothes, the feeling of his soft hair and softer skin.

for this instant, he was all yours.

VOID (suna)Where stories live. Discover now