Teams and Shop

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Naruto pov

I just stood there as everyone, but Shika, stared at me. I leaned towards Shika.

"Is it really that big of a deal?" I whispered.

"Troublesome blonde," Shika sighed.

"No offense Uzumaki-kun, but if you're that good a player what are you doing at Karasuno?" the one whose name I think is Ennoshita, asked.

"Ah call me Naruto. Anyway Karasuno is the closest to home," I admitted. It was also the cheapest, and while I had gotten many volleyball scholarship offers Shika didn't and he was too lazy to get an academic scholarship and keep it.

"That's it?" Narita asked.

"Yup," I said.

"Anyway let's start our first practice," Sawamura said.

Practice was great. We didn't do too much because we were getting to know everyone and they didn't know what us first years need to work on yet. Shika still did the bare minimum for everything, he always did just better than the person who came in last.

Shika and I were some of the first to leave, but almost everyone passed us because of how slow Shika was being.

"Can't you speed up Shika?" I asked.

"Mendokuse," Shika groaned.

"That's not an answer to everything," I said. Shika huffed and looked at me.

"Are you going to help out at that store today?" Shika asked.

"Sakanoshita?" I asked.

"Yeah there," Shika said.

"Yeah Keishin said that he'd have some work for me today," I said. I would help people out for some money doing odd jobs. One of the most consistent jobs I had was at Sakanoshita, most of the time that I went there they had something I could do for a little money.

"Then I'll see you later," Shika parted from me.

I picked up my pace now that Shikamaru wasn't here and quickly made it to Sakanoshita. I opened the door and saw Keishin sitting at the counter smoking.

"Don't you know that will ruin your lungs oyaji," I called out in greeting.

"Good to see you here gaki. Go in the back and do the inventory," Keishin said. I nodded and headed to the back store room. Sitting on top of the boxes was a clipboard.

I grabbed it and started opening the boxes. It seemed mostly to be different brands of chips. Why a store needs so many types of chips is beyond me. It didn't take long for me to finish since all that was in the boxes were chips, I didn't even know why he had me doing this, not that I wasn't appreciative. I walked out of the store room once I was done Keishin was still sitting at the counter.

"Yo Oyaji I'm done," I called out.

"Good. Here you," Keishin said, holding out some money. I took it from him and smiled, it was 2000 yen.

"Thanks Oyaji," I said smiling. I stuffed the money in my pocket.

"Also here," Keishin said, handing me a bag.

"What's this?" I asked looking in the bag and saw some meat buns.

"It's for you and your lazy friend," Keishin said.

"Thanks a lot Oyaji," I smiled.

"Yeah whatever," Keishin grumbled. "If you come here Friday I'll have more work for you. And bring that lazy friend. I have some accounting I need help with."

"I'll remember that," I said waving. I walked out of the store and started to head up the mountain. I was walking up the road when a boy biked past me. I looked closer and saw it was the same boy that got thrown out earlier. The boy stopped and turned to look at me.

"Hey that's Karasuno's uniform," the boy said.

"Ah yeah it is," I said confused.

"That's so cool. I didn't think anyone else who went there lived this way," the boy said

"Oh yeah I do," I said.

"Ah! I saw you at the gym! Are you a part of the volleyball club?" the boy asked.

"Yeah, just joined today," I admitted.

"I'm a part of the volleyball club too. Or I will be after this Friday," the boy said.

"Oh your one of the boys who got thrown out," this was the first time I could mention it. The boy spluttered and reddened in embarrassment.

"My name's Shoyo Hinata and I'm going to be Karasuno's next ace!" the boy declared.

"Well good luck next Ace," I said and hopped off the road. I headed into the forest.

It doesn't take long to reach the cave after leaving the road. Once I made it to the cave I put the bag in between my teeth and started to climb the cliff. The cave was situated a little ways up the cliff, not too far, but enough that we didn't have to worry about too many predators.

I set my bag down by the entrance and stretched.

"Shika, I'm back!" I called. I heard a groan from deeper in the cave and laughed. Looks like I interrupted his nap.

"Welcome back,'" Shika said, walking from farther back in the cave.

"I have food," I said showing the bag.

Shika sighed and plopped down on the floor. I sat down and put the bag between us. Shika reached in and pulled out one of the meat buns. He bit into it and I looked at him, he sighed.

"What do you want?" Shika asked.

"You have been hired this Friday," I said.

"No," Shika said.

"Too bad you're doing it. It's accounting at Keishin's store," I said.

"Why should I do this?" Shika asked.

"Because you'll be getting paid. And if you do this you can keep the money you make," I said. Usually when one of us does a job any money we make goes to a fund for supplies we can't get from the forest. So me telling him that he can actually keep the money is big.

"And what would I use it on?" Shika asked.

"That Shogi board you've been looking at," I said. We had few comforts and one of the few things that Shika admits he misses is Shogi. When we go into town Shika always stops and stares at the Shogi board in the window. I'd offered to take some of our funds and get it for him, but he always refused saying eventually he'll eventually get his own money and buy it himself. Shika stayed silent for a minute, but I wasn't worried.

"Fine," he sighed. I smiled victoriously.

We finished up the meat buns and I threw the trash away in a plastic bag we have. Once the bag is full we take it to town and throw it out. Shika and I have a routine, since it's still early spring, and the nights get pretty cold here, Shika makes us a fire and I set up our sleeping bags.

The cave we live in was perfect for living. It had two ledges that were higher up and made for a good bed. It also never flooded here so we could leave things wherever. Also it was a pretty deep cave and during the summer we could move farther in where it was nice and cool.

"You done?" Shika asked.

"Yup," I said.

"Good," Shika jumped up and curled up in his sleeping bag.

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