Chapter Twelve

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My mate stayed close, his fur brushing mine and sending those warm sparks throughout my body as we quickly caught up with the pack. I nipped and growled lightly at a few of them, pushing through until we ran at the center of the pack with content.

The yearlings were now running fully with the pack and created a bit of mischief as they nipped and jostled amongst the pack until a sharp glance with a single bared fang from their father settled them down.

Apollo led us to our favorite valley before stopping, watching over us as the pups and Cloud drew everyone's high spirits into games of wrestling or tag well into the night. Within an hour most of the adults were curled up to rest and only my mate continued to play with the yearlings until they had finally exhausted themselves.

He came and curled up next to me, panting a bit as his eyes glowed with excitement and I gave him a wolf grin as my tail thumped on the ground. He nuzzled my neck affectionately and then gave a large yawn, making my tail thump again with amusement before the yearlings came padding over.

They jostled us around a bit before curling up around me as they usually would and quickly drifting to sleep. The content and sleepy air surrounding the pack soon had my own eyes closing and I drifted off with my nose buried happily in my mate's fur.

By the time we awoke it was nearly nighttime again and the pack was beginning to mill around restlessly, waiting for Apollo to lead a hunt. I nuzzled my mate awake and he seemed a bit disoriented, gazing around in surprise before his eyes met mine and he relaxed as I gave his cheek an affectionate lick. He stood to his paws and stretched with a wide yawn before shaking out his coat and gazing around.

The yearlings and even a few other members greeted us enthusiastically as we joined the socializing until Apollo gave the howl, starting the pre-hunt ritual. After a lot of jostling, howling and whining Apollo set off and the pack quickly fell into step.

I nudged my mate's cheek, encouraging him to follow as I bounded along after them. We ran easily with the pack once more, excited nips and whines traveling throughout the pack till a stern glance from Apollo settled everyone down and we automatically split into two lines, forming the V-shape of a hunting wolf pack.

My mate looked a bit confused but with a quick nudge of my shoulder I forced him into a correct position across from me and focused my attention to my alpha. Apollo ran point as always, ears on swivel as his snout tilted into the wind ready for any sound or scent of prey.

Before long we heard the echoing calls of caribou and Apollo quickly diverted us around a ridge and into a new valley, approaching the herd from downwind.

I glanced to my mate and saw his eyes were glowing the golden green color of his wolf and I allowed Nyx to surge forwards as well, both of them wagging their tails with excitement before looking to the front of the pack.

Apollo gave a couple glances a few flicks of his ears, directing Star, Artemis and I to the left in our usual herding position and three more wolves to the other side.

My mate started after me but paused at a sharp glance from Apollo who then nudged him closer to his own position to lie in wait. The six of us herders quickly circled and stirred up the large herd, darting in and out with snapping jaws and low growls to create a panic until we finally had them on the run.

We cut into the back of the herd, splitting off five or six young or weak caribou and driving them into the deeper, fresher snow to tire them out quicker as we circled them back towards the pack.

They joined the chase at the perfect time, Apollo singling out a large cow with a seemingly lame hind leg and the pack soon brought it down. I watched as my mate brought down a young spike on his own then and dragged it back towards us a bit, looking to Apollo for approval to eat.

Apollo, white and golden fur already stained with the blood of his own kill only glanced at him then returned to his food, warding off a couple yearlings and even Star as he feasted.

I trotted over to my mate, lowering my head and wagging tail in submission as I greeted him with a whine and licked his chin. He only nuzzled my neck in return, allowing me to rip into the carcass beside him.

By the time we had our fill the yearlings and Cloud had crowded around excitedly, having given up on the main kill and began begging for ours. Though I growled and teased them for a bit I finally allowed them to dig in as I curled up nearby with my mate, grooming the blood from each other's fur before falling into a deep sleep due to our full bellies.

The pack remained here and feasted on the food in between naps for nearly three days before only scraps and bones were left and Apollo chose to finally move on. My mate stayed with me and the pack for nearly one full moon; hunting, playing, sleeping and constantly moving just like we did.

I could tell he enjoyed it, but sometimes I caught him staring into the distance back towards the western border with a sense of longing and I knew that it would not be long before he decided to return home once more.

The day finally came as we were moving along the pack's borders, resetting scent marks and howling to neighboring packs to take account of their numbers and strengths.

This journey always reaffirmed our pack bond as we announced our strength as a pack to all those around and I could see Apollo carried himself with great pride as our pack was easily the biggest around, but I also noticed age was taking its toll on him and a few other pack members as well.

They were all around six years old, beginning to reach the end of their prime years and decently old for wild wolves. I shook off the sad thoughts and refocused as we ran along a familiar stretch of territory and I knew the river was not far ahead, sending nerves through me.

At the river's edge we all milled around and rested for a bit before Apollo rounded everyone up with the signal to continue moving. As the pack quickly followed after him I paused with my mate, noticing he was looking back towards the river and felt my stance droop a bit.

He glanced over and noticed, nuzzling me with a whine before staring into my eyes for a few moments and then heading towards the border. I looked after my pack and then him, feeling torn for the first time in a long time as I whined lowly.

Apollo had also paused and watched us curiously for a few moments before locking eyes with me. I could see that same acceptance and affection his grandfather had showed me many years before when I left my original pack with Ghost and my eyes began to sting.

I padded up to him and licked his chin with a whine and he nuzzled my fur before stepping back. The rest of the pack quickly crowded around and I made sure to nuzzle them all affectionately before glancing over and seeing my mate still waiting patiently and felt my heart grow warm once more.

I pressed my side to Apollo's one last time and then trotted towards my mate with my head held high. His tail wagged happily as he nuzzled my neck and then bounded towards the river with me close behind.


A/N: Hope you're enjoying it so far! Cassandra's mate spent about a month in the wild living with her and her pack, I think its only fair she finally meets his!;)

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